New member
Regular old 100k should work, but then how do you control it by the apex?
I have thoughts, but don't know for sure they will work. So here goes. What if ....
Connect the Apex to the outer pins of a potentiometer. Then connect the HLG to the ground and center pin. You should then be able to run the Apex full scale, but the potentiometer will limit the voltage going to the HLG. So the pot is set for 70k and if you can ignore the ..
APEX + line ------+
..................| 3 volt drop
HLG DIM + --------+
..................| 7 volt drop
APEX - line ------+ HLG DIM -
And the HLG should be running at 70%. This should theoretically work for PWM also.
Hmm this would be great if it works!