DIY- "Pins" method of gluing acrylic.


Is the pipe a little shorter than the refugium wall? It needs to be. And then you need to insert a screen into the tube to keep the macros and snails out. I used the rigid screen from a Mag pump, as it fit perfectly.
For finer wire availible just about anywhere, go to a music store and pick up guitar strings, you can usually by cheap singles in the finest diameters.
Yeah, it's lower than the wall. I lowered it another 1/2 from what is shown in the picture and I'll find some sort of screen for it...
Has anybody else used light gauge "small" guitar strings instead of needles/pins???

I tried it and it worked great!

The smaller the gauge string I went with the more uniform my filet's are.

I just started a thread on my DIY acrylic tank, check it out!

I don't think I could be happier with my large acrylic project :rollface:
What is a Jointer do you have a pic.

Here is my new router and Bit. Is this kind of Bit good you use on cast.


The bit is a 2 flute industrial carbide
No bench yet I spent all my money on the router.
I think my dad's gonna borrow his friends table saw for anouther projet maybe I can use that.
other than routing to prepare the joints, can i simply use laser-cut edges? it seems like most pple prefer to route the joints to get a perfectly flat and straight edge, but i noticed that laser-cut edges are quite flat as well.
Laser works quite well, I understand. It's just that most of us do not have access to a laser-cutter.

If you use a router table, be sure to practice on some scrap wood first. I can't tell you how much material I ground into oblivion before I figured out how to use the router table that I "made".
Laser cut edges have inherent problems; quite simply they are not flat, 90deg cuts and the chances of crazing are much higher. That said, some folks do use them but IMHO they shouldn't be.

I just used the smallest guitar strings, easy to poke yourself... but seem to work ok. Better than the smallest (22 guage) from HD... but cost alot more. I would get 3 strings to start with.

I am really hoping to find an acupuncturist. Those needles would be as thin as you can get, and have fancy handles on them :)
I just checked and they are.013". Acrylics recomends .007" I believe. I think the music store had one size smaller wires though.
I just made this order One of these aught to turn out alright :)
I am sure some folks in the local club will pick up some of them.
1 3.50 3.50 (SJ3X60WA1001) Sharp Japanese Style Acupuncture Needle D-0.20mm/G-3/L-60mm
1 4.50 4.50 (MAC-4010) Mac Spiral and Loop Type Handle Acupuncture Needle D-0.16mm/G-40/L-1.5inches
1 4.50 4.50 (MAC-3815) Mac Spiral and Loop Type Handle Acupuncture Needle D-0.18mm/G-38/L-1.5inches
1 3.00 3.00 (NA3620WA1001) Natural Brand Coil Handle Acupuncture Needle D-0.20mm/G-36/L-2.0inches
1 3.00 3.00 (NA3815WA1001) Natural Brand Coil Handle Acupuncture Needle D-0.18mm/G-38/L-1.5inches
1 3.50 3.50 (SJ2X40WA1001) Sharp Japanese Style Acupuncture Needle D-0.18mm/G-2/L-40mm
1 3.50 3.50 (SJ1X30WA1001) Sharp Japanese Style Acupuncture Needle D-0.16mm/G-1/L-30mm
--- -------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------

Sub-Total: 25.50

Total: 25.50
At this stage of the game, I have more money than time to waist. If I waist any more of the latter I will be out of the former.

Vicious cycle indeed!