Do you guys mount your SPS or just let them sit?


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I have probably 30+ frags and min colonies of various types of SPS and I don't know if I should mount them or just keep them on their little rubble and let them sit on the rocks. When mounting these guys, how much room should be given between each to avoid them killing each other?

What about later when they starts to grow out, will the grow over one another and compete growth space?
are the frags from your tank or others ? If from others, I let mine sit for 4-5 days than mount, IMO
all of my frags has been sitting for several mounths. They're mine of course. I'm just concern that once I mount it it's permanant. But the other day I lost one of my frag because it fell over another SPS and got killed. :( I'm going to be re doing my aquascape to a more flat scaping instead of climbing up the back wall scene to allow me to have more room. This is probably when I want to glue them on the rocks.

Why do you let them sit if you get them from another person? I ask because I bought 4 different types the other day (Saturday) and my green acropora frag is dying already. All the polpys/ skin is just pealing off. I did not let mine sit. I just acclimated them then glued them in place.
Sitting them without mounting allows them to acclimate and keeps good water flow over the cut portion to aid in healing. Mounting them too soon can often cause necrosis from the glued portion if the coral is stressed already, which it quite likely is from the cutting and moving.
And when you sit them what do you mean exactly? Do you just sit them on their side on a piece of rock or stick them in the sand?
i glue mine to plugs or small pieces of live rock, that way i can move it if/when i need to.
I normally sit mine on some LR or eggcrate for a few days. A healthy frag usually heals over the cut in a day or two.
I glue mine straight to the live rock in the tank. Never had any problems with newly cut frags either.
Never had problems with newly cut frags, either.

Generally I glue them on or mount them - as IME the greatest coral mortality is as a new frag, falling into the rockwork in the first months.

Thus I like them well attached, else on a rock on the bottom in front ... can't get lost, can't get knocked.
I would recommend mounting your frags. Epoxies work ok but I have found that super glue (cyanoacrylate) worked best, especially for small fragments.