Do you have a recommendation for T5 bulbs?


New member
Looking to replace T5 bulbs...any recommendations on which ones? I have the Current Nova Extreme fixture with 4 24w bulbs...2 460nm actinic, 2 10k. I would love maybe whiter/bluer daylight and actinics that are maybe a bit more blue. I've heard that T5's don't have a great actinic, but that may have changed by now...I haven't looked into it recently. I also want to get something besides the ones this fixture came with which I believe are SunPaq with the Current name written on them. I will be upgrading to the Tek fixture which I believe I can get with 6 bulbs or 4 bulbs...either way, with the superior reflectors, it'll be a big upgrade. But I just got an EcoSystem, so have to save my pennies again for a new T5 fixture!
go with maybe 1 aquablue, 2 blue+, 1 uvl superactinic
or switch out one of the blue+ with and aquablue for a whiter look.
Only one recommendation from me... get an ATI procolor. sells em, and it really brings out the purples, reds, and pinks
Kathy I believe Robert and Larry do have all kinds of geismmann bulbs.

Find a combo that u like and stick to it.
50/50 actinic and white.
I'll personally be going with 1 ati procolor, 1 actinic, 1 blue, 1 blue plus, and a daylight.
These are Par test from The Grim Reefer he did about a year ago. They are helpful if you get high light demanding corals. I have only being using T5 for 1 month now i purchased 7 different bulbs the only one I didn't like was the ProColor which I though before ordering would be my one of my favorite. Next I want to get the ATI Blue Plus that is one bulb I have yet to see in person.


Sun Pro 357
Aquablue 336
Blue Plus 311
Actinic 137


Midday 325
Aquablue 324
Actinic Plus 264
Pure Actinic 157


Aqua sun 345
Actinic White 293
Super Actinic 210


Sun Pro 285
Ocean Pro 323
Blue Pro 266


Daylight 309
Super Blue 225

Current Sun Paq

Daylight 10K 272
Blue 252

GE Daylight 340
Hey nanokat,

I may have 2 x UVL 24W Super Actinic T5 HO Fluorescents in a few days that I can sell/trade you.
These are a little on the purple side. Some people like them, myself I do not. I have Geissman 24W Actinic Plus on the way and if I like them, I will let you try the UVLs. If you decide you like them we can work something out. They will have been used 3 months as of Jan 1.

If you are interested, pm me.
That's I have more to go on. Those par values are a good start too! I will check around to see which ones I can actually see before buying so that I know what I'm getting...especially if I buy online.
kat, I've been using ATI aquablue and blue plus (overdriven with icecaps and using individual reflectors), 2 of each. Very happy with their output and color.
I have 5 different t-5 on my 120 right now if you want to see colors...
all are from sunlight supply
PowerChrome Aqua Blue+
PowerChrome Midday
PowerChrome Actinic+
Spectralux Daylight 6.5K
PowerChrome Pure Actinic
thats the awesome thing about t5s too, is you can swap out whatever combination you feel like till you get exactly the color your looking for.

i love my uvl super actinics, but its a big dif in par between the 2 vs blue+

blue+ 311
SA 210
I have Current Nova Extreme fixtures on both my tanks. Recently swapped out half the bulbs with Geissman AquaBlue and Actinic Plus. They are much brighter than the Current bulbs as the list above implies. I love 'em, and my critters seem to be responding favorably.

Also, I recently added Current PowerBrite LED modules to both my tanks. Now I have glitter lines with T5s without the heat. I LOVE IT! Especially during the actinic period, the effect is dramatic and gorgeous.
Ok, so I am loving my new geissman powerchromes.

If you want to borrow the 2 x UVL 24W Super Actinic T5 to see if you like them, let me know. I live in Boynton and work in Fort Lauderdale.
