Do you know what happened to my leather coral?


New member
Got this coral last Saturday and one day when it got knocked over it was droopy and the polyps were not extending. I did a water change when I got home and after one day, the polyps were showing but is still droopy. Is there anything I could do to fix it?


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leather corals can look terrible for long periods then look great again. give it time, especially if it just went through stress of moving to new water, etc. when it does recover, make sure to give it room to grow, which it will.
Yeah. They are weird. Mine will go dormant for week(s) and get this silver sheen over where the Polyps grow but then come back twice as strong. Leave it be

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Most leathers, toadstools included, love heavy flow and lots of light. Move it off of your sand and up on your rocks. It will likely perk up with more flow