Leather Corals Not Happy

I am not testing for iodine. Was just going off of a recommendation I found online. I will test for iodine before I dose again to see where I am at. I keep my tank temperature at 78 degrees.

Iodide is an important element required by invertebrates and many soft corals (gorgonians, sarcophytons, etc). Reef Iodide™ is a concentrated (8,000 mg/L) stabilized potassium iodide source for reef aquaria that will restore and maintain iodide levels to those found in natural sea water. It is formulated to provide a safe source of iodide that will not convert to toxic free iodine under storage or reef conditions. Iodine is as toxic as chlorine and should never be used in a reef system. However, iodide is as safe as chloride.

Most iodine supplements on the market are simply potassium iodide or a medicinal disinfectant commonly known as Lugol’s Solution. Lugol’s is a highly concentrated iodine/iodide solution that is highly toxic and intended for disinfection. Although such products are sold for use in reef aquaria, we believe the risks vastly outweigh the potential minor benefits.


You want to dose Iodide not Iodine​

Lugol’s is a highly concentrated iodine/iodide solution that is highly toxic and intended for disinfection. Although such products are sold for use in reef aquaria, we believe the risks vastly outweigh the potential minor benefits.
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I will discontinue dosing Lugols and switch over to SeaChem . What is the ppm of Iodine supposed to be in a reef tank ?
3rd day in a row for alkilinity at 7.6 dKH. Leathers seem to really like it here.

so this tank is a 29 gal and you have all these fish in there. your bioload is extremely high for that tank IMO

i would raise the Alk to atleast 9
make sure you are running carbon for the leathers they give off toxins.
great tank for a 29 gal man i will say that.
1-2 water changes a year at most. I toss in Sea Lab28s and have Alkalinity at 10.
I toss in Sea Lab28s
It's amazing how many people say those are snake oil (including RHF) and yet I keep seeing these tanks doing fantastic with them. Nice job, well done. You could make some room by selling off a couple of those toadstools. I think they're beautiful, just saying.
I wouldn't mind getting rid of one to someone who wanted a show piece in their tank. What I don't want is to sell it to someone who will make 50 frags out of it.You don't see them like this much in reef tanks. SeaLab28s are the real deal. frogspawn, torches and hammers love them. So does the monte. I've used them for a long time and never test anything. Only alkalinity

It's amazing how many people say those are snake oil (including RHF) and yet I keep seeing these tanks doing fantastic with them. Nice job, well done. You could make some room by selling off a couple of those toadstools. I think they're beautiful, just saying.
I wouldn't mind getting rid of one to someone who wanted a show piece in their tank. What I don't want is to sell it to someone who will make 50 frags out of it.You don't see them like this much in reef tanks. SeaLab28s are the real deal. frogspawn, torches and hammers love them. So does the monte. I've used them for a long time and never test anything. Only alkalinity
What's the recommended dosage on the SeaLabs? I might be interested in trying them. I've never used them and didn't know they still made them.