DOC Skimmer 9002 magnet


New member
I have a Solana and i have to meove the magnet to the other side of my 9002 so that it will fit into the first chamber to remplace the old skimmer.. just wondering what i should use to glue the magnet back-on... also when i pluged the skimmer in it did not turn on. so i took it out put it into a bucket filled it with water and then it turned on.... so i put it back into the chamber and shock NOTHING.. any idea why?... thanks
So it works in the bucket, but not the tank? I would bet the pump works, it just isn't taking in air, have you tried removing the pump and checking the pump on its own? For the magnet, the glue we use at the factory is Henkel Tangit, it is a plastic cement, model airplane glue would be very similar.
i got the magnet reglued thank you... now for the other problem.. the pump works fine, i put the pump in a bucket alone and it worked great, so i put it back together and nothing it just sounds like its bogging down... i am going to exchange it tomorrow at Aquarium Center in clementon, nj where i got it.. they rave about you and have convinced me to get the nanostream also... thank you again for all yout help
It isn't the pump, it is the venturi nozzle and an entire batch is affected so odds are pretty good the replacement will have the same problem. If you just PM me your address we will mail out a correct nozzle by Priority mail.