Does anyone have any established sand/rock they can spare?


Grower of the Small Polyp
Premium Member
Hello everyone! I am almost ready to start my system back up. This time I will be starting over with dry sand and rock. Does anyone have a cup of sand they could send me from their established reef tank or some small pieces of rock or rubble? If possible, I'd like to add sand or rock from multiple established systems. I will pay for shipping, etc.

If anyone has anything they can spare, then it would be greatly appreciated.

Please let me know or shoot me a message.

Thanks everyone!
Unfortunately, since I took down my refugium (because I didn't plan it correctly and it kept overflowing), I don't have any rubble or sand I can send you.
I probably have a cup I can spare, but I likely won’t be able to send it til after I get back from vacation due to my work schedule this week right before vacation.