I am thinking of adding a UV sterilizer to my 210g and wanted to know if anyone still uses them. I plan to add a few tangs and wanted to use the UV to control ich and algae outbreaks or will the UV not even help. Thanks
I have used a current usa 40w on my 215 tank since I set it up about 11 months ago. SPS dominated tank and lots of fish - no ill effects + water looks clearer imo. I run it 24/7.
ich/ick - not sure I'm qualified to answer whether it controls it, I'm sure it helps kill of the free swimming stage ones that make it from tank to sump and through uv on way back to tank.
I have a 57w aqua uv with wiper on about 160gl total water. Seems to work fine though I don't notice huge amount of diff from before i added to now. I believe Steve Weast uses 200w aqua uv unit on his 800gl display, and his tank seem ok.
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