Does hot water for curing rock work??

I have no actual knoledge on this, but could keeping the water warm at like 86*F speed up the metabolic activites of the bacteria and other organisms? Keep in my airation must also be increased since not as much oxygen can dissolve in the water as the temperature goes up.

Is this what you were refering to sruiz?

its supposed to be the same temperature as your tank right so that it cures the rock but when you get ready too put in your tank then it will be the correct tempture to where it doesn't shock the tank right... ??? correct me if I'm wrong
Right before you put the rock in the tank it should be acclimated to the tanks water just like any other living thing.

This doesnt mean you have to keep it at that temp the whole time you are curing the rock.

I would just keep the rock at normal reef temperatures. I target 82, and 86 doesn't sound bad to me.
I'd ask: what kind of life do you want left on the tank, and how do you plan on curing it?

but, 86* wouldn't be good: the bacteria will adapt to that temp, and will die off a bit when you put it in 82* or lower reef temps.

if you've decided on how to cure your rock, I won't go into the 3 different ways, and what comes out when your done ;)