Does Macroalgae remove phosphates?

That is one of the major nutrients they require and therefore remove from the water ;)
Just remember that there will be a group of nutrients needed by any individual plant. When the demand for a particular nutrient by the plant exceedes the supply of that nutrient in the environment, that plant's growth rate becomes limited by that nutrient. For instance, a plant that is nutrient limited by N will not grow faster as P increases in the tank. In fact, it may even be inhibited by the excess P. Some specie of Caulerpa are N-limited and show inhibited growth as P is increased (with available N constant).

What I'm trying to say is that growing plants in a tank will definately help to take up P and make it available for export. But adding plants for export to a tank may not cure all the P-related problems in a tank. IMO phosphate is unlikely to be the limiting nutrient in our reeftanks.