Does Tunze make a more powerful magnet?


Premium Member
I have the Great White magnet but it is just not powerful enough.
Any form of semi-vigorous cleaning and it dislodges and straight to the murky depths it goes.

I have a 1" thick acrylic tank.

And suggestions on a more powerful magnet?
The 220.55 magnet is rate for about the same, 1.18" so I don't think it would be much better and from experience, it will also fall on 1" if you get moving fast. The 220.56 will definitely do the job, it is rated for 1.57" but it is about twice the price of what you have and my experience from using a stronger magnet is they are much harder to move so you can't get too "vigorous" and that is probably the main reason they don't fall off, but it also scrubs harder so less passes are needed.
I have used the 220.56 on a previous tank I used to take care of that was 1.5" acrylic. It rarely separated, even with semi-vigorous scrubbing. It did snap together on my thumb when I first got it because I failed to treat it with respect. I was lucky there was help nearby to get it off. A black thumbnail was the result.
I ordered it last night.

"Thank you for your order! The Tunze items will ship directly from Tunze to you."

D'oh. :)