does your orp reduce with water changes


Premium Member
I really like ozone for a reef tank however after it became established I noticed the orp always stayed above 350 with out ozone. I set the red sea orp level to 350.

I have noticed when I do water changes that the orp drops to 300 or so. This water change I ran the red sea ozonator at 200 mg for 2 days prior to the water change in just the water change tank. I do not know what the orp was of the water change tank I would think it would get it above 350 though. I was seaking input as to why the orp level is lowered other than the water change water must have a lower orp.
IMO its not that the waterchange water has lower orp but that the combining of fresh mixed SW with tank water has a chemical type effect which lowers orp.

Every single time I do a waterchange my orp comes down . Been that way ever since I started monitoring it . I have also found some salts lower it more than others.

Nothing to be worried about.
It's caused by the use of certain stabilizers or something like that, I can't remember the exact name for it. Most salts have it, this is what caused the orp to drop. A few salts do not, so you won't find it the case with all salts.

Sorry I cant remember the exact reason, one of those little bits of info my brain didn't think worth archiving. :)
Slowly, I'm doing upgrades in the house so I am still getting through that. I still hope to have a tank up and running by Oct/Nov though. Hopefully in about a month I'll start one of the those "setting up a tank" threads. ;)