Dear Reef Keepers,
i want to introduce my little german reef tank. My Name ist Dominik, i am 35, married, 2 kids, Reefer since 15 years.
I set up this Reef Tank 12 Weeks ago.
Light ATI Sunpower 8x80W
Vertex Omega 180i Skimmer
Zeovit Reactor
Red Dragon Mini 5000
Balling with Dosing Pumps.
Mainly SPS. Everything went fine. Look is Okay and Corals shows up nice Polyps and growth.
Some informations:
I did the 14days zeovit / kz cycle
Water Parameter measured with hana photometer and read sea:
KH 8
Ca 420
Mg 1350
No3 0
Po4 0
Kalium 390
Salinity 35 1,23
Some Pictures:

i want to introduce my little german reef tank. My Name ist Dominik, i am 35, married, 2 kids, Reefer since 15 years.
I set up this Reef Tank 12 Weeks ago.
Light ATI Sunpower 8x80W
Vertex Omega 180i Skimmer
Zeovit Reactor
Red Dragon Mini 5000
Balling with Dosing Pumps.
Mainly SPS. Everything went fine. Look is Okay and Corals shows up nice Polyps and growth.
Some informations:
I did the 14days zeovit / kz cycle
Water Parameter measured with hana photometer and read sea:
KH 8
Ca 420
Mg 1350
No3 0
Po4 0
Kalium 390
Salinity 35 1,23
Some Pictures: