Donation -- And Some Questions


New member
Not too long ago, our treasurer, Vinny, led a discussion at a meeting regarding the club's cash flow, and how we were burning money faster than our income; which, of course, is a sure recipe for going broke.

Over the years I've been a member of four aquarium clubs (two currently). The life blood of these clubs has always been the meeting auction of donated corals, fish, and/or equipment. A win-win affair, where the members can get excellent bargains, and the club treasury grows fat.

As an aside, LIRA is the only club I've seen where members openly advertise and sell livestock to other members with nothing going to the club. I'm not knocking this practice because, apparently, this has been a tradition since long before I joined. I'm simply making an observation.

Now... all that being said, I noticed that in the meeting notice thread it was stated there would be no auction at this meeting. I don't understand the reasoning for that. Is it that we would be offending the store owner? Surely he expects to make sales while we're there. And should I also assume he'll be getting our customary honorarium? Whatever the case, this meeting seems like a win for him, and a no win for us. And, by the way, I don't know him from Adam and have never been in his store -- I'm just making an observation.

OK... so here's what I'm going to do. I'm putting up for sale a bonded pair of my Black Ice Snowflake Clownfish with 100% of the price donated to our treasury. This is a young pair (about a year old), so don't expect them to breed, if that's what you're looking for, for about another year. This is not an auction -- the price is $100. For comparison and going price, see:

In the event there is no buyer, I will simply donate that amount to the club myself. I know this is really short notice -- I should have posted this a week ago.

The orange on the body will darken with age.

Texting me at the number below is the fastest way to tell me you'll buy them. And I do not always connect everyone's forum name and real name, so don't just use your forum name when contacting me. (I detest having to learn two names for each person!)

Sorry for the length of this post. Thanks for reading it if you got this far!

IPhone: 516-316-2356
beautiful pair. I want them, however, I already have a pair of clowns in my 75g.

I am sure they'll be snatched up!
If no one claims them I'd like them but I don't think my system will be ready for about a month. The live rock has been curing in a barrel for 5 weeks. Filling the system with rodi as we speak.

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Sold to Steve (Nanosteve). Thank you! Win-win! 👍

And, JP, thanks for your interest. When your tank is well cycled and ready for fish please visit me and check out my up and coming babies.

This is such a great thread and a super idea on how to raise money for the club, George.

I always bring something to donate to the club, when I go to meetings. I'd be more than happy to sell coral frags to members and donate the proceeds.

That way the buyer not only gets what they want, but they're also helping the club.

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