Nice price on the vodka. Here in Ottawa, it's about $15 for 375ml.
Are your caps glued on?
Short version.
denitrification works just after adding NOPOX and then stops. My dose of 5 ml NOPOX yield denitrification for ~ 1hr.
I am dosing 10 times a day at 2:00, 5:00 7:00, 9:00, 11:00, 14:00, 16:00 19:00, 22:00, 24:00. 5 ml of NOPOX each dose. I wondered how does denitrication correlate with dosage.
My flow at the time of "experiment" was 120 ml per minute (that is 7 liters perh hr) . The size of the reactor is ~ 9 liters, the content is lava rock and pumice like glass particles I've discussed on the forum.
Nitrates are ~ 25 PPM and phosphates are 0.5 PPM
I collected a sample of effluent at 16:20, 16:40, 17:00, 17:30, 18:00, 19:00
I also tested whole tank and 0, 10 and 25 ppm (added Calcium NO3 to 25 ppm to fresh artificial sea water.
What I see is that nitrates are tank level drop to zero with the dose of NOPOX, and quickly rise back to tank level before the three hour inter dose period.
tube left to right
tube 1 tank
(dose of 5 ml NOPOX at 16:00)
tube 2 16:20
tube 3 16:40
tube 4 17:00
tube 5 17:30
tube 6 18:00
tube 7 19:00
tube 8 salt water
tube 9 salt water with 10 ppm NO3
tube 10 salt water with 25 ppm NO3
I think this strongly suggests that multiple small doses of NOPOX may work better than one bolus.
This is the second time I've done this experiment, with qualitatively the same results.
Last time flow was a little higher (220 ml) per minute- I assay this by seeing how much a 250 ml beaker fills in a minute- In that case, the same thing happened , but nitrate levels didn't go to zero at 40 minutes or 60 minutes, just to ~ 10 ppm. Then they rised back to normal
In that picture we have
20 minutes before bolus (that 1s 1:40 after the prior bolus)
0 (time of bolus)
20 after
40 after
60 after
1 hr 30 after
10 ppm
25 ppm
and on the far right test of the main tank
I saw an earlier post where you were using an IV bag to dose Ca and Alk
You could just use one of those set to release 1/10 or 1/3 of the bag per day and dilute the carbon source appropriately so you deliver your daily dose. That would be the ideal constant dosage.
I like my cheap Jabao DP-4s (99 $US on line ). one has worked for 18 months one for 24 months without any issues- this is not german quality equipment- but I choose to use the less weell vetted equipment so I can use my $ for other aspects of reefing. . Doses ca mg, alk and NOPOX. Only need to refill my storage containers every 20-30 days.
Wow!!! Now your results , come in straight line with mine, but I couldn't find an explanation, why some few times I got good results=lower no3 at reactor output than DT, and more others everything is clear ) I split my 14ml daily diy nopox dosage, in 3 doses, and waiting anxiously your 2ml results, to see if I should split it in even more dosages. I use also dp4 , so until 20/day is possible)Short version.
denitrification works just after adding NOPOX and then stops. My dose of 5 ml NOPOX yield denitrification for ~ 1hr.
I am dosing 10 times a day at 2:00, 5:00 7:00, 9:00, 11:00, 14:00, 16:00 19:00, 22:00, 24:00. 5 ml of NOPOX each dose. I wondered how does denitrication correlate with dosage.
My flow at the time of "experiment" was 120 ml per minute (that is 7 liters perh hr) . The size of the reactor is ~ 9 liters, the content is lava rock and pumice like glass particles I've discussed on the forum.
Nitrates are ~ 25 PPM and phosphates are 0.5 PPM
I collected a sample of effluent at 16:20, 16:40, 17:00, 17:30, 18:00, 19:00
I also tested whole tank and 0, 10 and 25 ppm (added Calcium NO3 to 25 ppm to fresh artificial sea water.
What I see is that nitrates are tank level drop to zero with the dose of NOPOX, and quickly rise back to tank level before the three hour inter dose period.
tube left to right
tube 1 tank
(dose of 5 ml NOPOX at 16:00)
tube 2 16:20
tube 3 16:40
tube 4 17:00
tube 5 17:30
tube 6 18:00
tube 7 19:00
tube 8 salt water
tube 9 salt water with 10 ppm NO3
tube 10 salt water with 25 ppm NO3
I think this strongly suggests that multiple small doses of NOPOX may work better than one bolus.
Nice!. Off to ebay now... looking for a used auto doser!. Thanks nematode . Good job!
For full disclosure
I am using a Red Sea nitrate test kit.
Normally, it is designed to test 16 ml water.
What I do to test is test 2 ml samples.
To use the test kit 10 fold more efficiently, I drop 5 drops A into 400 ul (micro liters 400/1000 of 1 ml) of water, and pipette 50 ul to each of my 10 samples .
I put the cap of B powder into 425 ul of water, pipette up and down and place
50 ul of the gray metallic powder into each sample
I put the cap full of C white powder in 425 ul of water, pipette up and down and place
50 ul of that mix into the samples.
I dilute 1000 ppm Ca(NO3-)2 into salt water at appropriate dilution for my controls.
( you need quality micro pipette apparati to do this, but that is what I do in my day job)
I use retired equipment for my "homework".
This way I can test 10 samples (with minimal loss in accuracy for this kind of experment)
Otherwise, I would not do this because it would break the bank buying test kits.
Salty_Joe, I wish I have some extra time and money to do a doser pump controller
There's not much to it-Arduino, relay, a couple wall warts, some hookup wire, all fairly inexpensive. I'm a total piker when it comes to writing sketches, but I have a really basic sketch for dosing that's solid. I'd be glad to share it. The nice thing about DIY doser is not only the savings but when/if something goes wrong, it's easy to fix. Mines been running for a little under a year and so far so good. I don't expect the cheap pumps to hold up long term though.