it's one of those things you have to test for and if you have a deficiency then you dose it but with iodine there are so many different forms of it, it's hard to tell which is needed, how much, etc. and the test kits that you can get for iodine only test for a specific form of it. Also there have been studies done that have shown that fresh sw just mixed has more iodine then nsw so all you need is regular pwc's to replace the iodine and other trace elements.
I would not dose any form of iodine but some people do and it is more likely to cause problems then help you out.
I dose everyother week. I have a 75gal with mainly ricordea;s, over 300 and they do show signs of liking it- open up more, spread out, and start dividing after doasing. I do test and keep on high side. I can tell you that I cannot keep Xenia, cloves and small things like that- they do not like indion
Seems to me that we tolerate vague approximations in some elements of reefkeeping (such as using 'specific gravity' as a substitute for 'salinity', those numerous of us who don't use a refractometer) but not in others, e.g. hobby-grade iodine tests. Odd.
That comment made, to answer angelfishman's query I dose 2% tinture of iodine, one drop/55g daily. Seems to increase corallimorph growth and reproduction.
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