Doser 2 Apple compatibility????


Please tell me I can connect the doser 2 with my Mac Book Pro or iPad or something apple related?

I just bought the dosser 2 and only can connect to it via my macbook? I do have a desktop PC, but that is no where near my tank. Only laptop is MacBook.

I can't believe I didn't check before purchasing, but who would ever think a 500 doser would not be Apple compatible!! Stupid me....

What are my options?

BY THE WAY...My Doser 2 came with a German plug?? This is a product sold in the US, why is this product NOT sold with a US plug. Now I am supposed to utilize an adapter?

There will be an iOS version available soon.
To use it with the Mac you need to run Parallels. Soon the internet interface will be available.
I have it hooked up to my Desktop PC, but I can't even get it to update the firmware.

I was going to try and update firmware then hopefully get it on the network.

From there my understanding is that this product can be run via GHL Cloud (I asked that question here and the answer was yes), so then I can run from any computer.

There are issues with using a mac running parallels to run windows and GCC to upgrade the firmware on the Doser 2. GHL has tried remote access on my machine and has acknowledged the problem. Running windows through bootcamp on a mac will work though. Once you get past that hiccup you have to make sure you follow the FW instructions down to the dots on the "I"'s and crosses on the "T"'s. Any deviation from the instructions in the slightest bit can mess up the FW flash. On top of that, if GCC didn't load the right flash tools you need to do that manually through the device manager and GHL's instructions.

I ended up resorting to using a very old PC laptop. Once I did that, and ensured I followed the procedures precisely, the FW update worked and my Doser 2 is ready for the GHL app once it's approved by Apple.
The german plug was an error on the distributor/selling stores part. It should come with a north american 110v plug. Contact them and they should send you one.
you need the PC software GHL Control Center only for the initial setup or firmware updates

once you you set the Doser's LAN/WiFi you can use myGHL (cloud) or the App which will hopefully approved by Apple in the next days
the Euro plug is not right
if there has a doser been shipped accidentally with Euro-plug then please contact your dealer to sort this out, thanks
How about someone contacting me to help get this setup. I have spent almost 4 hours playing with settings and can't 1) update the firmware and 2) can not get it connected via wifi.

For Wifi.

1. Change from “Access point mode” to “Client mode”
2. Enter the SSID of your router, SSID is the name of your wireless network. (
3. Choose WPA2PSK for “Encryption” and for “Encryption type” AES. (This depends on your router settings, you can check it in the router interface)
4. Enter the Key of your wireless network, you find the key on the backside of your router or in the router interface.
5. Select “Use following settings” under IP Settings
6. Enter a “IP address”, “Subnet mask” and Default gateway”.
Before you can enter an IP address you have to know what your default gateway is.
To find out what your default gateway and subnet mask is, follow this instruction:

Step 1: Click the “Start” button, type ‘cmd’ and press “Enter” on your keyboard. (A black Command Prompt should appear).
Step 2: Next type ‘ipconfig’ and press enter “Enter”.

Enter the default gateway and subnet mask displayed in the command prompt.
You have also to enter the IP address of doser, this looks like the default gateway IP address except the last number.
e.g. If your default gateway is you can enter an IP address between and
It is recommended to choose a number bigger than 200.

With the latest GHL Control Center you can use the wizzard for this steps:

7. Click the save button and wait at least 5 minutes, the doser needs few minutes to connect to your network.
If the doser do not connect after 5 minutes, restart the doser (unplug power cable for fews seconds) and wait 5 minutes after the restart.

When you done, go to "Administrate..." in the top menu of the GHL Control Center and create a new TCP/IP connection.
Enter the IP address you entered in step 6 above as Host-Name.

Direct support can be obtained at
the Euro plug is not right
if there has a doser been shipped accidentally with Euro-plug then please contact your dealer to sort this out, thanks

I'll be happy to let them know. But they are just going to contact you to send me a new plug.

Did you / do you work for Royal Exclusiv? support Bubble king too?

NO WE WONT. if you email us your address we will send you one.

I wasn't directing that response towards you, rather referring to Aquacave who would most likely contact someonone at GHL?

Anyway, I did send you my address last night requesting a US plug be sent. It was in the email that you kindly repsonded to this AM.

I'll resend...thanks for the help.
