Doser Problems

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New member
I have HUGE issues with my dosing unit.

Yesterday my lights turned off for no reason, and today they wouldn't turn on at all. Channel 2, 3 on the doser stay on when plugged into the profilux. When I unplug the doser and plug in the light bar only, my lights stay on.

Also I stopped being able to monitor my pH last week. I can't get a reading from the probe, that is only 6 months old.
sounds like you have got the digital sockets miss matched in your programming sequence.

Please email me at sending me your data files and also what versions of software and firmware you are running.

I can then see where you have gone wrong and even program it remotely for you.

I wait for your email ;)
let`s solve the situation step by step

1. "lights turned off for no reason"
- are we talking about a socket of a digital powerbar which drives a lamp or about a light bar which is controlled via L-ports?

2. "channel 2 + 3 of doser stay on" - when plugged where? How are the settings for that port?

3. Hardware setup (where is plugged what)? settings? - I need more information to give here support!

4. pH-probe - what means "can't get readings?"
BTW: a chemical probe (pH, redox) usually works 1 to 2 years, but it can happen in rare cases that it stops working after 6 months, it all depends on environment and care
Maybe you try to clean, calibrate and check the plug.
I forgot one thing:

Last week we had a similar case: a pump ran just for "no reason"

The result was: Electronic inside was damaged by salt water!
The doser has been set up for 6 months running fine. I don't see how it could have been damaged by saltwater, but salt creep can get anywhere..

1.) Digital Power bar stopped responding to signals sent from Profilux Manual Overide when the doser was plugged in.

2.) Doser plugged into S1, then the digital bar is plugged into the doser.

3.) See above

The probe is reading a steady 3.74 no matter what. I am going to try and calibrate it again.

I have not received your email as yet so i can't support you directly as i do not have access to your file settings, but it sounds exactly like either the doser or digital plug bar has not been numbered so one is reacting with the others commands..

In regards to the pH I am guessing you have the green shafted generic pH probe (not the GHL high grade), these have much shorter lives than the GHL, but this too can be sorted out also for you.

To give you the support you need please could you email me at

I look forward to your email so I can get you up and running quickly. All findings as always will then be reported back to this thread within 24 hours.

Here to support as always

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I am quite sure:
the doser produces a short circuit, very likely caused by salt water.
This short-circuit has 2 effects:
1. the communication to the power bar is disturbed - the yellow LED (indicates communication) goes off - all sockets are switched off - your light shuts down
2. the doser gets no more digital commands and assumes that it is connected to a standard (analog) output, the short-circuited lines indicate a switch-on state for some pumps

In many cases the water comes through the western-sockets into the enclosure.
Be careful: if there is really a short-circuit then don't connect the doser until it has been repaired - otherwise you may damage powerbar and ProfiLux! The PCB is available separately as spare part.
I'm surprised there isn't some sort of warranty on items less than 1 year old. There is no possible way saltwater could have damaged the PCB. The doser is 2 ft way from from all water sources. I don't think its right that I have to pay for a faulty board. I guess I will have to though, my reef needs Ca and Alk.
I am not quite sure why you have posted this here instead of emailing us directly as before?

From our email correspondance and checking your file settings etc, you did not doubt the diagnosis as the unit is reacting exactly as others that have had water short faults, and even mentioned salt creep yourself as a possibility.

If you were at all concerned all you needed to do was email us, but we received your payment details instead after giving our best possible diagnosis without seeing the unit, so could only assume you were confident in this suggested outcome.

It is impossible to diagnose faults by email or forum 100%.

However, if you have now changed your mind this is no problem at all we are always here to help and support, so please return the unit to us where it will be tested and inspected, if the unit is proved to be warranty faulty (which will be the very first with such a fault) we will naturally replace.

ALL products are covered by warranty but you are asking us to make judgement without seeing the unit, and based on the written diagnosis from yourself and based on previous water damage faults this was the agreed route you decided to take.

Please let me know what you wish to do via email. ;)
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I have not yet set up my unit (still new in BOx) and I am now leary of setting it up. Are there major issues with this type of failure on a unit that is quite expensive to begin with?
If you get it wet or subject it to salt creep naturally this is not covered by warranty, just like any devise from any manufacturer. It is the responsibility of the user/owner to protect their important apparatus.

There has never been a single reported issue with a GHL doser ever that was due non damage related failure.

As long as you dont get it wet or put it at risk from salt creep, which is an obvious precaution with any electronic devise then of course no there is no issue what so ever, in fact we have not had one single Doser "EVER" returned under warranty conditions out of probably 200+ sold in the USA and over 1,000 sold around the world.

If you decide to put it at risk from water damage then just like any electronic devise it could fail but that is no different from anything on the market.
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Ok, we had a lot of patience until this point

We tried everything to help out and find a quick solution, even yesterday (Sunday). Then the customer admitted that it is possible that salt water may came on the board, so we decided to replace just the board (for money, of course).
Now I have to read this last post from you?

Sorry, I have no understanding for this behaviour!
I think it is better you return the device, we examine it and then we decide what to do.

And for all which may have doubts now about our dosers in general - here some pics of a customers doser-PCB (it was also a case where the doser behaved unusual "for no reason"):



Here the damages are very good visible. But even smaller damages caused by water (or any other misuse) can be diagnosed in most cases.
outch!!! I'm glad I have a dry side under my new tank where I can store my profilux stuff and a few misc stuff (food, co2 bottle, food...). On my previous tank it was on a cabinet next to the tank
To close this now. GHL will always honour correct genuine warranty claims.

But to avoid accidental and costly damage that naturally would not be covered, when dealing with electronics and water common sense MUST be used at all times to avoid such frustrations.

The above proves the IMPORTANCE of keeping electronic equipment away from water or salt penetration.

No matter how good a product is, and believe me you will NOT find better than GHL profiLux if an electronic product is subject to water damage IT WILL FAIL and do not expect it to be covered by warranty ever.

One thing I must state - if you do accidently damage your profiLux in any way, we will always replace those parts at cost, this is something you WILL NOT find I am quite sure from other manufacturers, yet another reason why GHL stands above so many.
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