Dosing Kalk Method


Premium Member
Tell me if this will work and makes sense for dosing Lime Water/Kalk.

I have the 10 Gal Brute setup with a Neptune Doser and I plan on filling it with RODI water and then add about 1.5 Table Spoons per gal and lightly mix it. To dose to tank I will have the input side of the doser RODI line connected to a 10" floating acrylic disk and a RODI bulk head connected to disk so the draw of lime water only grabs from the first 2 inches of lime water as not to pull from the bottom of brute.

Makes sense and will this be effective ?
I tried dosing saturated kalk via a stirrer in my 300+ gal heavy demand system with 5L/day evaporation to help out my CaRx but it was negligible. I am now experimenting with 2% slurry.