Dosing line bubbles


New member
I recently did the group buy with Progressive Reef for a doser and I'm trying to calibrate it. However, I never get the same results for ml/min because of all the air bubbles that end up in the dosing line.

Is it normal to have bubbles in the lines? There doesn't seem to be any air coming up from the canister, so its got to be getting in from the connection at the top of the canister.

Any suggestions on sealing that connection up so I can get a consistent flow rate?
as long as there are no air bubble in the entry side it makes no difference, the calibration is based on fluid entering the pump. Any air bubbles will be from squeezed out micro bubbles in the input side and is normal.

UNLESS you have high lift and getting some drain back in this case fit check valves.
No, its definitely not coming from the outlet side of the pumps.

I can actually see a solid tube of water in the canister itself, its once it gets past the fitting on the top of the canister that air is somehow getting introduced.

I can't see how it wouldn't matter, random bubbles being introduced into the inlet line and into the pump is going to vary the amount of fluid drawn out of the canister per unit of time.
Oh sorry i thought you were reffering to the doser. So air is being sucked from the connection from the canister hose, well this is simple to resolve, take the hose line off the canistor and smear some silicon around the outer edge of the fitting sleeve that the tube goes over and then refit the tube and tighten.

or just try tightening the gland a bit more ;)