I know we've disagreed on this before Buddy! But i would still not recommend the Spectracide Stump Remover. Ask Organism, after switching he himself noted a distinct chemical odor present in Spectracide that isn't in the FW planted ferts at all. Not trying to argue with ya or anything like that Bif, I just don't like the chemical smell that doesn't exist from other products.
I would recommend the same item, but from NilocG. KNO3, Potassium Nitrate. Seachem Phosphorus is just fine though, no issues there.
Although this is the most important thing to know ---- Dosing nitrates will deplete your phosphates, dosing phosphates will deplete your nitrates. Because chemistry is magic.
To combat this, the only thing I've personally found that works is quite stupidly expensive... Brightwell Aquatics FaStart-M. It's a 'balance of no3/po4', and it's the only thing I've dosed that gives me measurable no3 AND po4, opposed to KNO3 / Phosphorus that only gives me one or the other.