I agree with prop-frags. I think it's unfortunate that Marineland or any other "reef ready" tank doesn't come equipped with a minimum of (2) 1 1/2" drains. The one inch drain is handicapped at what it can truly pull. Without siphon, you'll never get over 800 abysmal gph draining to your sump. Depending on a siphon every time is a recipe for disaster if your pump is too strong.
Any true reeftank manufacturer should eliminate all 1 inch holes for drains and give us reefers the 1 1/2" drains as standard, with a 2" drain upgrade option. A 2 inch drain can easily pull 2,000 gph without siphon. Two of them and you could comfortably return 4,000 gph back to the tank. That almost eliminates needing two powerheads. It's a shame. Any tank manufacturers out there listening?