drilling a tank


New member
I have a friend of mine wanting to set up his first tank and he asked me about drilling a tank. Can you drill say a standard 55 gal tank and incorporate an overflow? If so, is this something that can be done without special tools?
It can be done as long as the glass is not tempered. It does require a diamond bit hole saw. The club has at least 1. I think Barrett has it, but maybe someone that knows for sure where it is will chime in here.
Tanks that are tempered usually have it marked somewhere on the panels. Many are made with tempered bottoms and non-tempered sides. Your best bet is to contact the manufacturer of the tank and just ask them.
If not, you can always go to Kermit's Reef and ask Dave, im sure he can help you and your friend out with the Drilling of the Tank ...

Tanks are relatively cheap. Buy exactly what you want (with the holes in the specific locations), directly from the LFS (Kermits or MemFish), not the Big Box stores.