Drilling tank


Premium Member
I just bought Marshall Carter's 55 corner bow front tank and stand. Does anyone have a drill and bit and will be at the meeting tonight and be willing to drill the tank for me? I have it in the back of the truck and if someone will do this for me, I will drive the truck complete with tank to the meeting. Let me know ASAP. TIA Vicki
You got a great deal on that tank, also i have the two pieces of wood that held the lights on your tank, i will bring them to the meeting.
thanks David. I have directions to the meeting for you. I 40 toward Memphis. Get off at the Collierville exit and go left. Go all the way to Poplar and go right. R on Peterson Lake, which is the second light. Go left on Powell. Makr right on Memory Lane, which will curve to left and turns into Florencewood. On R with brick mailbox 365. See you there.
Vicki, I will drill it, but it cannot be drilled in the bottom. It will have to be drilled on the side.
You did not miss anything Del. I did not get the PM before I left home at 4:30, therefore did not bring the tank. Maybe I can save it for the next meeting!! Thanks Richard and Barrett for bringing your equipment. Maybe in September!!