Drive Way Heat / Mag Flake


New member
Has anyone seen any Drive Way Heat or Mag Flake out in the stores yet?

Im looking for the 50lb bag of Drive Way Heat which i know is usually our before the Mag Flake.
Have a case of the Mondays today and took a drive at lunchc depot on 13 has Cforce(ca) and Lowes on 13 has prestone driveway heat(ca). No sign of mag flake yet thoughc
Driveway heat, Cforce and others are CaCl2(calcium). its used along with baking soda (alkalinity) for the two part dosing system-similar to B-ionic and as an alternative to dosing Kalk. Mag flake combined with Epsom salts are used to dose magnesium.
Its a good way to go if you have a larger SPS tank and definitely saves money over buying supplements...
Heres the full article:
Thanks...all these years in the hobby, and I never knew this....I used to buy Calcium Hyroxide 10 lbs at a time, and never tried anything else.
its a toss up to me if Kalk or two part is a better way to go. I lean towards two part, but I think both have advantages. two part can be easily dosed with a small pump and seems less likely to clog. kalk has the issue of saturation, but its a bit easier....
I add kalk to my top off and adjust with two part as needed currently. I plan on dosing two part with a Tom pump/timer in my next tank.
thanks for the heads up FCB. I hadn't checked the HD and lowes for a while. I have used their CFORCE anhydrous calcium chloride for 3 years now. a 50# bag last more than a year. I have always bought mine at the route 13/airport home depot too. and they have always had the MAGFLAKE too before the snow flies. actually i still have a full bag of magflake left from last year. almost done with the first one bought 2 years before.

for anyone who wants CaCl pellets for a smaller tank, and don't want to buy and store a 50 pound bag, you can get a 9.5 pound jug of PRESTONE DRIVEWAY HEAT, at Walmart, in the auto department. then find someone to sell you some or split a big bag of Magflake.

I like the 3 part system because i'm always in a hurry. i just dump it in the sump. kalwasser has a limited saturation point of calcium, and very high PH. I don't have the patience to drip everyday, and often dont need as much makeup water as the calcium need requires. so the Randy recipe works fine for me.

one other place that has carried the magflake is the ACTION supply co. just south of the airport on 13, accross from Lone Star restaraunt. had it last year and calcium chloride too.
I looked for the Cforce and the Mag flake at my Home Depot in Aberdeen, but they have no ice melting products in stock yet.
(surprised, because the weekend forcast calls for a chance of snow on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.) Anyone else seen it yet?
did you check outside in the garden department? Thats where HD has it. on a rack near the pond stuff. usually outside on pallets.
I did finally find the C-Force out in the garden department. Thanks for the tip Ken. It's pricey stuff to throw on your driveway..$16.99 per bag. I had to use it on the driveway this morning, as we had a few inches of snow that froze overnight.
I should have planned ahead and bought some rock salt for that.

I still can't find the Mag-Flake, anyone seen it yet?
Ive checked Lowes and Depot this week and they dont seem to have it... not that I need any, looking is just better than being at if you need some I can spare a gallon bag, that should last you a good while...LMK...
Thanks for the offer. If I get desparete, I'll contact you. Right now I still have some Tech M Magnesium Supplement left.
My tank is not set up at the moment, but my live rock is piled into two 20 gallon tanks. No fish, a few mushrooms on the rock.
I just bought a 90 Oceanic RR tank from a Bwest in Philly, and I hope to have it setup and running over the Xmas Holidays.
I'm collecting and buying all the stuff I'll need to keep it running.
i was in the rte 13 airport Home dpot last night, and i overheard a little lady explaining the differences between all the differnent salt/ice melts they sell. and they hold that the CFORCE Calcium Chloride, and MAGFLAKE Magnesium Chloride, are the best for many reasons like they work at lower temps, and do less harm to plants, and dont track in your house as crystals. and then i said, HEY US REEFERS use it for our tanks. and she said, You look familiar , stranger, have'nt we talked before, like last year about this stuff?? and i said YEah! .

she said they should get the magflake in soon. its a premium product for the above reasons. and ours too, of course.

I'm sure one of us will spot the first batch to land. and post it.

So it's time to play: Spot the MagFlake!
I didnt see the mag flake last year till like february and dumb be let moisture get to it and it became a solid block... hope to find some of this stuff soon.
just wammer the mag flake block. its hydrophylic. absorbs water from the air. its a hexahydrate anyway. should still be ok.

but HD said a week ago they still expected it in a couple weeks.
kaptken the stuff soaked up so much water the bag started leaking water LOL... i trashed it a while ago... when i get more this winter i will store it in old salt water buckets to keep the moisture out.

have you seen the 50lb bags of drive way heat at Home Depot yet?
The had them a month ago when this thread started. As of 2 days ago on a Magflake quest Lowes and Depot didn't have the driveway heat in the 50# bags. They had the smaller 1 gallon buckets and the 50# Artic ice salt(not usuable).