drummereef's 180g in-wall build

I see. I don't have much experience with Nanos unfortunately but maybe someone else can help you out. I wouldn't think a couple of small cerith and maybe a Nassarius would do much damage but there's a lot more considerations in smaller tanks for sure. Good luck! :)

That's pretty much where I'm at too 110g. I was doing 10% every 3 months or so because of the recurring algae issue. I'm just a little concerned with as much SPS as I have, there's a lack of available trace elements over the length of time between changes. Almost like the tank is super clean but also mineral deficient as well - just based upon how the corals look. I do notice a positive difference running GFO however. I notice a decline when I run Carbon, so I rarely do. I wish I could just pinpoint it to something specific. I think there's still an underlying nutrient issue, just perhaps not an obvious one like PO4. Like there's something hanging around, but I don't have the right and/or enough consumers to uptake it. Wish I could find some Grape Caulerpa locally to add to the sump. Can't seem to find any though.


Have you considered trying an auto WC system? Dennis (d2mini) is running one to change out a minimal amount/day. You may be able to get the best of both worlds here: water changes to replace trace elements, and by doing it slowly you may not shock (not that I believe 10% at any one time can shock anything) your system.

Also, I may have missed it, but have you tested your saltwater once mixed up? The guys in the chemistry forum can probably point you towards exactly what to look for. Beyond the usual suspects (nitrates, phosphates), you may want to test for silicates.
... tank is barebottom.

Sorry, I read right over this detail. Yeah, Nassarius will be a little ticked if you keep them in there. But a couple of small snails that tend to stay on the glass and rocks will be fine. My Cerith and Astrea do a pretty good job. Most snails need help righting themselves when they fall off the glass but Astreas tend to be the most helpless. lol

I wish I could find some snails that did enough work on the rock work other than the big tank turbo snails that knock everything over.

Me too. The few I recently got some Turbos that are a little smaller, aren't as clumsy but do a better job than my smaller snails. I had a big problem with them knocking over corals when the corals were smaller but this time around it hasn't been a problem, likely because my corals have encrusted down on the rocks.

Brett what about adding a dosing pump continuous WC system that changes a very small amount every day instead of larger %'s less often? That would give you a continuous supply of trace elements but very little impact on the system as a whole?


Yes! I have looked into it but haven't pulled the trigger because there were other project I wanted to get done first, like the LED setup. It was something I was seriously considering though.


Have you considered trying an auto WC system? Dennis (d2mini) is running one to change out a minimal amount/day. You may be able to get the best of both worlds here: water changes to replace trace elements, and by doing it slowly you may not shock (not that I believe 10% at any one time can shock anything) your system.

Also, I may have missed it, but have you tested your saltwater once mixed up? The guys in the chemistry forum can probably point you towards exactly what to look for. Beyond the usual suspects (nitrates, phosphates), you may want to test for silicates.

You and Krazie think alike. :D Like I said, it's something I'm looking into. It would be seriously nice to automate that part of my system. There's some cost involved for me to do it and be controlled by my Apex, but it's definitely doable. I have some saltwater that I just mixed up. I will test all parameters (that I have kits for) and report back. ;)
That's pretty much where I'm at too 110g. I was doing 10% every 3 months or so because of the recurring algae issue. I'm just a little concerned with as much SPS as I have, there's a lack of available trace elements over the length of time between changes. Almost like the tank is super clean but also mineral deficient as well - just based upon how the corals look. I do notice a positive difference running GFO however. I notice a decline when I run Carbon, so I rarely do. I wish I could just pinpoint it to something specific. I think there's still an underlying nutrient issue, just perhaps not an obvious one like PO4. Like there's something hanging around, but I don't have the right and/or enough consumers to uptake it. Wish I could find some Grape Caulerpa locally to add to the sump. Can't seem to find any though.

I have a lot more SPS than you (NOT bragging :facepalm:) plus a frag tank stock full of stuff! You will be just fine!!
Why not just add some trace elements as you dose if your worried....
I add some kent trace elements to my CAL solution so a little gets added every day!;) ~ 2ml/day

Have you seen if taking GFO off line helps your problem algae?

Interesting thought.... In general I can see a night and day difference in my overall tanks health if I don't do weekly water changes. I use to do monthly wc's and by the end of the month my tank would look drab.

I wish I could find some snails that did enough work on the rock work other than the big tank turbo snails that knock everything over.

I noticed no difference except salt savings and less time doing WC's! :D
I also have a very light clean up crew. I don't think I have any crabs left, maybe 20 snails all in a 250g DT I do have a few turbo's but they have to go soon!
I have a lot more SPS than you (NOT bragging :facepalm:) plus a frag tank stock full of stuff! You will be just fine!!
Why not just add some trace elements as you dose if your worried....
I add some kent trace elements to my CAL solution so a little gets added every day!;) ~ 2ml/day

Have you seen if taking GFO off line helps your problem algae?

What other secret weapons are you hiding up your sleeves Mr. K.I.S.S!! :hammer: I kid... :D Have you noticed a difference in the color/growth of your coral when dosing the Kent product? Which one is it, Essential Elements or Coral-Vite? Yeah and if shipping wasn't so dang expensive I'd be taking a few of those frags off your hands. ;) Maybe we can work out a deal (wink wink). :D

My PO4 was rising upwards of 0.1 so I put the GFO back online a couple weeks ago. Now it's back down around ~0.06. The algae growth stabilized (no visible increase) with the GFO back online. I'd like to get rid of that too but I don't think I can at the moment.

nice build thread couldn't read it all now will have to wait till tomorrow

Thanks for stopping by sniper. Appreciate you taking the time to read through the thread. :)
Here's the results of my Instant Ocean Testing. I checked Alk, Ca, Mag and PO4 twice to make sure they were correct. Same results both tests.

Salinity 1.026 Refractometer
Alkalinity 10.4 Hanna Checker and Salifert
Calcium 500 API
Magnesium 1425 Salifert
Nitrate undetectable API
Phosphate 0.08 Hanna ULN Checker
This has been such an incredible thread to follow! I love the planning, patience, and meticulous build. I have gained a lot of inspiration for my future in wall build and will probably emulate a lot of what is done here. Thanks for taking the time to post all the detailed pictures and explanations.

I do have a question! I am wondering how you will be doing the framing for the tank on the visible wall. I noticed your picture earlier showing how the tank sits in relation to the drywall. How will you be framing this out? Thanks!
This has been such an incredible thread to follow! I love the planning, patience, and meticulous build. I have gained a lot of inspiration for my future in wall build and will probably emulate a lot of what is done here. Thanks for taking the time to post all the detailed pictures and explanations.

I do have a question! I am wondering how you will be doing the framing for the tank on the visible wall. I noticed your picture earlier showing how the tank sits in relation to the drywall. How will you be framing this out? Thanks!

This has been such an incredible thread to follow! I love the planning, patience, and meticulous build. I have gained a lot of inspiration for my future in wall build and will probably emulate a lot of what is done here. Thanks for taking the time to post all the detailed pictures and explanations.

I do have a question! I am wondering how you will be doing the framing for the tank on the visible wall. I noticed your picture earlier showing how the tank sits in relation to the drywall. How will you be framing this out? Thanks!

Thank you so much garrettm. :) I haven't totally decided yet but it will be relatively simple. I have white woodwork throughout the house but I'm thinking of doing something different. I'd like the trim to be an accent to both the tank but not necessarily match the house trim. I'm leaning towards a distressed, espresso color frame around the tank. A simple design, possibly butt joints vs a 45 picture frame. I'm thinking a slightly rustic but contemporary design will work best. I just haven't found the right wood for the job yet. I don't want to go with common woods like pine, oak, maple or aspen. It's going to have to be a more 'exotic' wood to get the effect I'm looking for since I'm not painting it. There's a specialized hardwood store in my area that might have what I'm looking for, just need to make the trip out there.

That said... The tank is set back 3/4" from the drywall and 5/8" back from the top and bottom trim. So I'm going to have to "return" a little trim back towards the glass on either side and back towards the trim on the top and bottom. I may end up leaving a 1/16" between the trim and glass so I can caulk in the gap with clear silicone. The idea of the wood against the glass with no area for expansion/contraction scares me a little.

I also had thought about tiling the wall as an "accent" wall with a dimensional faux-stone tile but the floor slopes significantly down towards my HVAC which is adjacent to the sump room. So I think it will look better to just trim the tank. But budget depending, I haven't totally ruled it out.

Great looking work buddy

Thanks Corey. :)
What other secret weapons are you hiding up your sleeves Mr. K.I.S.S!! :hammer: I kid... :D Have you noticed a difference in the color/growth of your coral when dosing the Kent product? Which one is it, Essential Elements or Coral-Vite? Yeah and if shipping wasn't so dang expensive I'd be taking a few of those frags off your hands. ;) Maybe we can work out a deal (wink wink). :D

My PO4 was rising upwards of 0.1 so I put the GFO back online a couple weeks ago. Now it's back down around ~0.06. The algae growth stabilized (no visible increase) with the GFO back online. I'd like to get rid of that too but I don't think I can at the moment.

Woah....didn't realize your PO4 was that high.....I pretty much seem to test at 0 all the time. I tinker with a small dose of 20ml/day af vinegar manually to see if I notice much difference. Skimmer seems to be stinkier!

I use the essential elements. Not sure it does anything, but eases the mind between wc

I just redid some rock to move an anemonee and stirred up all the sand under the rock. DIRTY!! Next day PO4 only tested 4 ppb ~.0013ppm PO4

Here's the results of my Instant Ocean Testing. I checked Alk, Ca, Mag and PO4 twice to make sure they were correct. Same results both tests.

Salinity 1.026 Refractometer
Alkalinity 10.4 Hanna Checker and Salifert
Calcium 500 API
Magnesium 1425 Salifert
Nitrate undetectable API
Phosphate 0.08 Hanna ULN Checker

I think this is normal...a little po4 after mixing up.... IO. I use IO & Kent. Priced great, mix up clear and Kent has elevated CAl & MG
Here's the results of my Instant Ocean Testing. I checked Alk, Ca, Mag and PO4 twice to make sure they were correct. Same results both tests.

Salinity 1.026 Refractometer
Alkalinity 10.4 Hanna Checker and Salifert
Calcium 500 API
Magnesium 1425 Salifert
Nitrate undetectable API
Phosphate 0.08 Hanna ULN Checker

Hi Brett,

I've been following your build almost since the beginning. Amazing craftsmanship and attention to detail. I build custom PCs and appreciate the amount of technology you bring over from that field. It's good to see because there can be a lot of bleed over of material and use between both hobbies with regard to wiring and the cooling of electronic devices.

Anyway, with regard to your above readings. Are you using the base Instant Ocean or are you using Reef Crystals? If that's the standard IO I'm amazed. I use Salinity by AquaVitro and my numbers aren't that high! Also regarding the phospate, that reading is in ppb from the ULN checker, correct? Or did you convert to ppm?

I too have an ultra low nutrient environment (0.0 nitrates and 0.00 phosphates) and sometimes get strange algae blooms around WC time. I have switched to running my skimmer very wet and replenishing the loss with newly mixed SW as a slow method of water changing. I think it's a bit early to tell if this has made a difference or not.

Lastly, I also had an issue with bare spots on some of my corals. Most notably my bird's nests and acropora porites. Quite a bit of reading lead me to believe that it's an issue of insufficient nutrients. I began dosing amino acids and vitamines about eight months ago with positive results. The corals still aren't filled out 100%, so I'm now moving to increased feeding, including dosing live phytoplankton. We'll see if the improvement continues.

Defiinitely remove whatever algae begins growing on the bare spots of coral skeleton or the algea will overrun the entire colony. I've even gone so far as coating the dead spots on my porites with superglue (read it on the interwebz!) to avoid having the algae attach to the skeleton. Seems to have worked but who knows...
Thanks for the explanation Brett. I was at a roadblock as to how I would frame out the gap between the tank and drywall for my build. I will have the tank in my garage so I was wanting more of a seal between the viewable interior of the house and the garage. A little gap with silicone should do the trick. Thanks for helping me see this.

All the trim in my house is white as well, and the tank will be next to a white shutter, however, I was thining the same thing as you with a slightly distressed and/or rustic looking wood to make the tank stand out. Can't wait to see waht you end up doing.
Ya know... I also use a brute can to mix/hold my NSW...

My Po4 has been increasing lately too.

I just did a 30 gal last night and I plan another 30gal tomorrow.

Using InstantOcean ReefCrystals.
Woah....didn't realize your PO4 was that high.....I pretty much seem to test at 0 all the time. I tinker with a small dose of 20ml/day af vinegar manually to see if I notice much difference. Skimmer seems to be stinkier!

I use the essential elements. Not sure it does anything, but eases the mind between wc

I just redid some rock to move an anemonee and stirred up all the sand under the rock. DIRTY!! Next day PO4 only tested 4 ppb ~.0013ppm PO4


I think this is normal...a little po4 after mixing up.... IO. I use IO & Kent. Priced great, mix up clear and Kent has elevated CAl & MG

Yeah, I think it really has something to do with the Redfield Ratio honestly. My tank is ridiculously efficient at removing NO3, so much so that it's lost it's ability to regulate PO4. I'm not so much as concerned with being able to remove Phosphate, I know I can do that with GFO, Poly-Filter, etc... I'm more concerned with not being able to raise Nitrate, at least enough to get back inline with the Phosphates.

I might have spoken too soon, however... I tested PO4 last last night and it was 0.003! I've since removed the Poly-Filters and GFO so I'm not currently running any PO4 remover. I wasn't expecting the Poly-Filters to be that efficient but apparently they are. This is obviously part of the issue I've been noticing over the last couple days, had only been ~4 days since adding them.

Good to know about the freshly mixed IO too. Thanks! :)

Hi Brett,

I've been following your build almost since the beginning. Amazing craftsmanship and attention to detail. I build custom PCs and appreciate the amount of technology you bring over from that field. It's good to see because there can be a lot of bleed over of material and use between both hobbies with regard to wiring and the cooling of electronic devices.

Anyway, with regard to your above readings. Are you using the base Instant Ocean or are you using Reef Crystals? If that's the standard IO I'm amazed. I use Salinity by AquaVitro and my numbers aren't that high! Also regarding the phospate, that reading is in ppb from the ULN checker, correct? Or did you convert to ppm?

I too have an ultra low nutrient environment (0.0 nitrates and 0.00 phosphates) and sometimes get strange algae blooms around WC time. I have switched to running my skimmer very wet and replenishing the loss with newly mixed SW as a slow method of water changing. I think it's a bit early to tell if this has made a difference or not.

Lastly, I also had an issue with bare spots on some of my corals. Most notably my bird's nests and acropora porites. Quite a bit of reading lead me to believe that it's an issue of insufficient nutrients. I began dosing amino acids and vitamines about eight months ago with positive results. The corals still aren't filled out 100%, so I'm now moving to increased feeding, including dosing live phytoplankton. We'll see if the improvement continues.

Defiinitely remove whatever algae begins growing on the bare spots of coral skeleton or the algea will overrun the entire colony. I've even gone so far as coating the dead spots on my porites with superglue (read it on the interwebz!) to avoid having the algae attach to the skeleton. Seems to have worked but who knows...

Thank you Signal. :) Yeah, I really like incorporating PC stuff into my reef tank. PC stuff is so modular and fun to work with, and a lot of it is dirt cheap.

I am using the regular old Instant Ocean. Shocking I know! The test results in the Chem Forum are from '09 so I don't know if they've "reformulated" since to keep up with the trends. But even on my old 40g tank I never had an issue with Magnesium like "everybody" use to claim with IO salt for some reason.

I test Phosphate with the Hanna ULN Checker. The number on the checker was 27 when I originally posted, so converted is 0.08. I hope this is correct? :o

Good tips by the way, I will definitely look into that trick. Thank you for posting. :)

Thanks for the explanation Brett. I was at a roadblock as to how I would frame out the gap between the tank and drywall for my build. I will have the tank in my garage so I was wanting more of a seal between the viewable interior of the house and the garage. A little gap with silicone should do the trick. Thanks for helping me see this.

All the trim in my house is white as well, and the tank will be next to a white shutter, however, I was thining the same thing as you with a slightly distressed and/or rustic looking wood to make the tank stand out. Can't wait to see waht you end up doing.

Excellent. Clear silicone tends to take on the color of it's surroundings so whatever trim color you decide upon it's kind of automatically matches - to an extent. I'm sure there will be a little light bleed through but shouldn't be too much of a bother. Otherwise you could possibly find a tan/brown silicone to fill the gap but it might be more noticeable. Let me know when you get your done, I'd love to see the finished trim. :)

Ya know... I also use a brute can to mix/hold my NSW...

My Po4 has been increasing lately too.

I just did a 30 gal last night and I plan another 30gal tomorrow.

Using InstantOcean ReefCrystals.

Interesting find worm. Can you test the PO4 of the saltwater in your Rubbermaid and post back?
Just wanted to report it's not all doom and gloom over here. :) A few new pics of some of my corals that are doing a-ok.

Both my Green and Pink Pocillopora are doing well.


Pink Birdsnest is doing surprisingly well considering it was a Dino magnet a few months ago.


Kryptonite Candycane is as bright as ever.


Superman Monti doing OK all things considered.


Duncan looking happy tonight.


Blue/Green Candycanes are fat and happy.


And finally, starting to see more "fuzz" on my new Pavona coral. :)

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Very nice.... any NEW Full Tank Shots lately? (both sides... I want to see how it is looking as a whole with all the updates you have done.... hahaha
Very nice.... any NEW Full Tank Shots lately? (both sides... I want to see how it is looking as a whole with all the updates you have done.... hahaha

Thanks worm. I will get an updated sump room pic up as soon as I'm a little closer with the sleeving project. I'm going to do a little more this weekend to tidy up a few more things. I'll keep you posted. :)

very nice pics of the corals!

Thanks hazey. :)