Dsa 105 rimless build


New member
After being inspired by Chris M's rimless reefsavvy tank, but running out of room, wanted something a little bigger. Went w the dsa neo 105 rimless, very nice for a standard production tank. Set up w herbie drain, manifold for the return, of course bb. The light was a major task, but finally found a old aquamedic oceanlight , kept the t5's and gutted the metal halide, made some brackets for some radions and wala. Everything is alittle annoyed by another transfer but otherwise coloring up nicely.

The tank, didn't like black overflow, covered it w aquaroche backgrouds from aquarium specialty

The light

The engine room

The results
Man o Man, I love those DSA aquariums. Great looking tank you got there. Nice build.

What did you use for the light post?
Nice setup! Well that didn't take long for your tank to come in! Like the look of your overflow box.
Looking good Sam, I know that I tech 200 was just itching to be used properly Lol, so you upgraded your tank and bioload :).
Pretty impressive job on the light. I am now thinking of doing the same with my 210. Great job.