Dual 6100's vs Wavebox


New member
In a standard 125 g reef tank with alot of live rock, LPS and SPS.

Which would be better option for flow.
Want to eliminate dead spots and also have a swaying motion over the corals.

Thinking of 2 - 6100 on a multi controller
a single Tunze Wavebox

plus and minus to each
The wavebox is not intended to be used on it's own. So the basic requirement would be 1 6100 and a wavebox. The wavebox flow has no direction to it, it is just a rocking motion that lifts and suspends debris, but directional flow is needed to sweep away detritus. All of the above would be the ideal set up, but 1 6100 and a wavebox would also work, as would 2 6100's, but a wavebox alone is not a very good set up.