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I have decided to shut down several of my reef tanks.Anyone interested in coming by to see what I have can contact me by email.This is mostly large colonies of LPS,some softies and SPS,and several Monties.I have several hundred pounds of live rock and aragonite sand.
I just had to google Dunnellon,FL just to see where it is. good luck. Will you ship or is this gonna be locals only?
I would like to avoid shipping for now.I just don't have the time and energy to keep up all my tanks anymore.These are my personal tanks,so taking pics is a little difficult due to the positioning of the corals and the number of corals involved.I am shutting down 3 of my reef tanks-100G,125G,and 300G.I will eventually post pics,but this thread was intended for those in the area that were interested.
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