minimum tank size for one individual is 20 gal, for two 30-40 gal(im going bare minimum, not ideal) and more then that add 12-15 gallons to tank size for each individual cuttle. righty's aritlce is under the list or articles under the ceph care section of, that probably has the most info on them anywhere. if you are planning on raising them from eggs, then they are going to want to be fed pods or live mysid shrimp and they need to be kept in a net breeder with macro algea. if you plan to buy a juvinile or an adult, they need to be fed marine shrimp such as grass shrimp, or they can be fed various saltwater crabs depending on size of crab and size of cuttle, it is best to incorporate live food in their diet even if they eat frozen food. most fish will become food to the cuttles or they will stress them out. if you have any ornamental shrimp such as cleaner or pepermint shrimp, they will become food. i have not seen any of my hermit crabs or snails eaten but i did have a porcilin crab that was eaten by my previous cuttle. The cuttles need to have a protine skimmer running on the tank they are in as well as pristine water conditions. No copper may be used in the tank at any time in its life. If the cuttles are underfed then they will resort to canabilism, so much sure they are fed daily, if not then every other day. you will also need to place sponges or other types or barriers between you powerhead/intakes or you cuttles will become amputies or die (the stock plastic strainer is not enough). if anyone can thank of anyting else please post.