dying feather duster?


New member
Does anyone know what a feather duster looks like when it is dying? If it does die in your tank can it harm anything? I had one given to me and was doing fine for the last 2 weeks and this morning all of a sudden just looks like it is trying to crawl out of it's tube. All parameters are good in water.
they do that some times when stressed. they also shed the 'feather' or gills when stressed. although they grow back. usually they will just make a new tube, if he does seem to be dying i would remove him, if he is i dont see a good reason to keep him in there
I wish I could post pics (non-geek). I have a very cool black feather duster (only one). I have so many white ones I have to thin them out.
i had one toss his crown within 24 hrs. of being added to my tank, stressed i assumed..
about 2 weeks later i saw some feathers starting to stick out the end of the tube, he's getting better, i thought...
a few days after that, he's hanging out the end of the tube about 2",,, ugly and dead... :(
Shedding of the crowns is a sign of starvation. They will regrow a crown several more times before they die.

They are said to do better in tanks with a healthy sand bed AND additions of phytoplankton (I would personally go with live).