Dying mushroom?


New member

In the above overall shot there is a large shroom, i'm not sure of its proper name but it sits at the bottom in the middle and spans 6-7 inches across. Its sitting just bellow right of the copperband and is a grey/blue colour. (tank size is 5ft for perspective)

When its fully extended its a fantastic sight! Over the last week it has wilted somewhat, it does this fairly regularly then re-expands... but its been wilting for nearly a week so much so that the top half is literally flopped over the bottom half so the back is expossed, and some of the fish - clowns especially are having a peck at the back/fleshy bit.

I have another mushroom over on the right which is exactly the same as it originally came from the same rock, this extends to about 2-3 inches and is doing fine and growing. All the other shrooms are ok..

Is it just a case of it is dying through natural causes? I mean, they just can't grow forever can they?

Any opinions?
Well its not dead, which surprised me... it looks like its sliding off its rock and maybe splitting! I'll get some pics when I can.
Probably reproduction then :) A dying mushroom is usually a shrunken small shriveled version of that big beauty. Looks like you might be a mushroom parent now :)