Dying or damaged hairy mushroom?


New member
I have a hairy mushroom that was in my nanocube for probably a month and a half and recently moved it into my 45g. There is a hole in the middle of it now where the oral disk should be and I'm not sure why. Has anyone ever seen this? Could it just be that it got damaged somehow in the transfer? The is also something stringy around the edges of the hole.

The 45g has been setup for about 5 weeks but a combo or dry rock and LR that was in my nano for 4 months was used. The lighting is also much stronger in the 45 (4x39w IceCap retro vs. 2x24w PC in the nano) but the mushroom is on the sand bed in the corner of the tank. The rest of the body looks normal except for the probably 1cm hole in the middle.

Any thoughts???
sup jflick, i find my hairy mushrooms are really sensitive sometimes and do the same thing. i found out that to much lighte causes them to start melting like that or to much nitrates can cause it. the bad thing is once it starts happening, you cant save the mushroom, but the good thing is it grows back really fast for some reason
I assumed it had something to do more with the light. Nitrates are almost nonexistent and not any higher than the tank I moved them from. I decided to move it more into the shade to see if it helps it regrow. Kinda looks like it's splitting into 3 mushrooms now so we'll see how it goes. Thanks!
my hairy mushroom started to not look so good awhile ago. It didn't expand as much as before and its mouth was more evident. I thought something was up for sure Then one day i looked and there were two mouths. My hairy mushroom and multiplied. And before the original one started to look better it split again so now I have 3 of them on the same rock they are all looking really good.
It sounds like it starting to split. Mine do this all the time, they start out with a hole near the center that slowly gets bigger, it sort of looks like its ripping itself apart, then becomes two mushrooms instead of one.
Thanks for all the input. It definitely looks like it split. I moved it into a little more shaded area just to be safe but it now looks like I have 3 mushrooms on the rock. Kinda bummed though bc it originally was about 3in wide when fully opened.
^I wish I could get my hairy mushrooms to melt, I find they are indestructable. I even kalk pasted one that was killing a monti, it regrew into 3!