Early Regal Tang troubles?

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
Help folks. I DO NOT want to lose my pride & joy.

I love my Blue Regal Tang. (aka Palette Surgeonfish, blue tang, hippo tang, flagtail surgeonfish, blue surgeonfish, etc.)

She’s happy & growing (about 4-1/2” now), eating great(!) and getting “plump”, but check out the trailing edge of her Tail.


Is this normal, or is that the start of some kind of Tail Rot?

Also, is “Tang against Rock rubbing” typical behavior? I thought it was. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showt...hreadid=1486653

If this is bad: What’s a good treatment?
If this is normal, How ‘bout them Titan’s, eh?

Help me Obiwan Kenobi. You're my only hope!
That isn't "normal" but it looks pretty superficial to me. How long have you had the fish? When was the last time you introduced a new fish to the tank? Have you considered that it might be aggression from a tankmate? Fish combatibility is a very dynamic thing - I've had fish get along for years in the same tank, and then start trashing one another. Don't think that just because you haven't seen any aggression, that it isn't happening. Some fish are pretty sly - while you are watching them, they are watching you, and being on their best behavoir. Additionally, there are only 7 or so nicks in the fish's fin. If this has been going on for say, a week, that would amount to one bite a day, and odds are you'll never see it happen.
What else could it be? I've seen fluke infestation give a fish a "tattered" look, but usually there are other symptoms at the same time (cloudy eyes, etc.) and usually all fins are involved. There are also some nutritional problems that result in the breakdown of the fin tissue, but again, there should be other symptoms, and it should involve other fins (like the dorsal fin).

Jay, thanks very much.

Briefly, the tank is only couple months old, but built from 100% established stock: Fish, Rock, softies. (and H20)

In August, I "assembled" all the old live stock, including thie Regal tang + Mates. I added New Live Sand and after six weeks and a good cycling, addded some SPS & LPS, along with a few new fishes.

Okay shoot me later for adding too much too fast, but really, much of this stuff came out of an exiting 150, including about 75% of the base original Water which we moved to teh new 120, to mitigate chemical shock. ("We", me & the LFS owner, and founder of our Club, thought it safe.)

Given the diverse folks on RC, I posed thsi same question on multiple forums, so have a look at teh same question, here.

Might provide more insights.


You're comments there are certainly welcome sir. The tang is otherwise extremely healthy & happy. Damsels perhaps??