tangs debunked

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Look at the difference in reality- your 12 14 or 16 is a small medium or large pizza sizes- and when you add mass of the circle it is a huge difference.

:lol: , pizzas not withstanding, I don't think tank size recommendations will change based on a fish that averages 14" +/- 2".
The size does matter in fish when putting them in said tank. Just think about this, a one foot blue hippo tang turning around in a 72"x18"x24" tank. That is very little room for the fish to turn around. Imagine barely having enough room to turn around. That would mean in a room that is only 6" wider than your shoulders. Not comfortable to live in now is it when you account for any furniture and decorations(tank would be rocks and corals).
Sounds right on to me. He has his new clown tang now for a month. :spin2:

Are you serious? According to LA, a clown tang is suppose to be in a tank that is at least 250g. I guess he is trying to say that he is "debunking" LA and that justifies putting a clown tang is a 120g based upon his personal observations. That is sad. I hope the OP re-homes the clown tang or if he doesn't come back to RC and admit if something untowards happens because he didn't listen to the advice of other sources, including RC.
The common sense and restraint of the respondents is appreciated. I am, however, going to close this thread, as a matter resolved.
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