Ecosmartlive/mp40QD problem


New member
I just recently upgraded my old mp40 to an mp40QD and the problem is ecosmartlive attempts to find the missing devices but never finds them..all I get is
Please wait...
Ecosmart live is now attempting to find devices.
This process may take several minutes to complete.

This been going on for we'll over an hour and sometimes it says loading but nothing.
My radion is connected to my reeflink with no problems and I have full control of my radion but can't add my mp40QD. .smh
I never had this problem before with my upgraded mp40
I'm kind of out of options as I'm never able to be home to further investigate the problem during ecotech business hours as mine are the same

Did you transfer the RF Module or "Wireless Chip" from your old controller to the new QD? If not, your controller cannot be located via the ReefLink. If you upgraded from an older non-ES controller, you will need to purchase and RF Module as they did not have them installed.

is the "W" lighted in the upper right corner of the controller? If not, please contact our customer service department for more advanced troubleshooting.
Thanks for the response Alex..
Yes the W is lite up.I updated the firmware for the reeflink last night and still had no luck adding the there a way to factory reset the mp40QD? Is it the same process as an mp40Wes?
ok so my reeflink firmware has been updated I factory reset my mp40QD I also acquired an mp10 that has been upgraded to a quiet drive and also factory reset aswell.I'm not able to add either one of the pumps and I know for sure that the mp10 didn't have a problem cause it has been connected to ecosmartlive from the previous still able to connect and configure setttings on my radion.i believe it to be a problem with ecosmartlive and not the extremely disappointed with the whole connectivity between the reeflink,ecosmartlive and the vortech pumps....this should'nt be this frustrating over and over...I have not registered the mp40QD yet..i still have the receipt and will most likely be going to a wave maker pump that is more reliable.i paid good money thru the years on ecotech products and I think its time to move on.i don't have the time to call tech support as I work long hours and your customer service hours aren't within reason to accommodate my work schedule..
its such a shame
Wish I could..with my work schedule I'll never make it home to properly diagnose the problem with a tech on the phone