ecosystem miracle mud


New member
I was wondering if anyone has ever tried this product and if so what were your results? I have seen 2-3 tanks that have used it and they look great. Your opinions are appreciated.
I use it and it appears to work well after you get through the initial algea blooms because of the increased iron in the mudd. Here is a pic of my tank using the ecosystem and the mudd. This tank was set-up in sept '05. I am experiencing really good growth now on all my corals. They say that aroung the 8-9 month of use everything explodes with growth but i can't see how any thing can grow faster than it is now. JMO

I work in a LFS and we use Eco System's products on both of our display tanks (180 and 225 reefs) and it works great. We get very little nuisance algae, the fish remain extremely healthy, and water changes are only necessary to replenish essential elements. That being said, the mud is supposed to be replaced every 18 months or so. We sell our 10# bags for $80 so it can become a costly proposition to replace even part of the mud. I think we put 40# into the sump when we set it up. I have heard that you can replenish the mud with iron supplements which would be a much cheaper solution.
I have 30 lbs in my fuge. The tank is only 3 months old, so no "explosive" growth. The only drawback I have with it is that unless I use filter socks, the suspended stuff in the water column gets heavy. I can't get the culerpa in the fuge to grow for anything. Nitrates are zero and have always been. I drip limewater and do 10% water changes weekly using BioSea Marine salt. With the exception of some bubble algae, there is none in the display. Not bad for a skimmerless system.
well lets put it this way, i have never really heard anyone say a bad ting about keeping it

some ppl choose to keep a skimmer on their ecosystem filter to add to it, but to each his own

i have used it and i am happy with it
well lets put it this way, i have never really heard anyone say a bad thing about keeping it

some ppl choose to keep a skimmer on their ecosystem filter to add to it, but to each his own

i have used it and i am happy with it
I do a 15 gallon water change every three to four months, I donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t use a skimmer.

I just did a little experiment, I went over four years without changing the mud. I had xenia that was only a few polyps on a couple rocks. That when I first set up the tank was out of control all over the place. After the three year mark algae was slow growing in the refugium, the xenia didnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t spread anymore and looked thin. I changed half the mud and the sump is now full of algae and the xenia is thick and spreading. I have to say Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢m not skeptical about the mud anymore, keep up with mud changes it makes a big difference.