Ecotech question


Premium Member
Will my first series ecotech vortech non wireless pumps work with the apex wxm module or reeflink I'm looking at purchasing the radion xr15 gen4pro and was wondering if I can control everything even know my pumps are from 2009 era and non wireless, I have an apex controller. Thanks
you'd have to determine:
Can you add the wireless Chip?
Add the wireless chip

Then there's no reason it couldn't communicate with the WXM.
should work fine w the wxm once you add rf chips, in the end might be easier to get a reeflink, to control both vortechs and radions from same platform
If it were me, I would do the RF chips and the WXM. I'm not a fan of using more than one platform to control the tank. In fact, that's the only reason that I went with the coralvue varios return pumps instead of the vectra.
Just something to chew on: I've seen others keep vortechs/lights separate from the other controller stuff for redundancy. When Vortechs go into slave mode, they're super dumb and just listen for commands, so using WXM or other external control could create a single point of failure.

I have to think about this more deeply to understand if this is really redundancy or just a separate failure mode, but it's worth considering.