Ecoxotic Panorama 12 watt Blue LED Module


New member
Hey guys,

So after quite a long hiatus from the reefing world and finally getting settled back down into my own place after a couple years of crazy personal stuff going on. I've finally started up my nano tank again. :beer:

So I've had it up and running for about a week. Got a few pieces of live rock in it. I'm running a 70w 14K MH Sunpod. I think the tank needs more of that actinic pop that I used to get with my VHO setup on my 90 gallon.

I know that Ecoxotic was at the TFP/TPP frag swap a few weeks ago. Would one of these LED blue module give me that actinic pop I'm looking for? Or would I need two of them? Would it be bright enough when the MH is on to notice a difference?

I'm not sure how the ecoxotic lights compare to some of the other stuff I've seen but imo the leds would probably get washed out by the MH.
yea for sure,these led lights have come along way in a short time.a little while back $2000 would get you a dimly lit tank with poor results and now $200 will get you some real light for these smaller tanks.proof will be in the long term with SPS ,seeing if they can produce enough light to grow acroporas into natural shapes without the typical spindly unnatural growth you can get from lack of par.If they can the amount of cash you save on electricity could buy you a new car every 4 years or so. :)
Thanks for the replies everyone. Here comes an additional question. If I added two of these lights... say one of the blues and one of the combos. With my MH running would I be in a better position to grow SPS corals?
Depending on the penetration of the light yes. You were thinking like a daytime bulb? If so and depending on the above said it would add value. What size is your "nano"
The tank is roughly 15.5L x 15.5W x 16.5H Around 17 gallons. The light is about 2.5 inches above the water. I don't know if the 70w is enough to grow SPS decently but if the LED's add enough light I might try to grow a few.
I picked up one of the 12 watt Blue LED Panorama's tonight. It is extremely bright. I will take a few before and after pics. Veronica at Something Fishy let me look at the difference under one of their larger tanks with a 14k MH bulb. I was very impressed. Just holding it over the water to test it really puts that actinic punch in the water. I can't wait to mount it onto my tank.
I have both the blue and the white with blue supplement strip running on my 34g solana and I love them. I have a 150w mh 14k phoenix as the main light and the ecoxotic panorama strip over a frag rack in the very back. I am getting great color and growth from my sps and the rack is in a spot where there is little flow. That rack is occupied by a Ora red planet, verdes tri color, tyree tri color, pink lemonaid, and a Ora pearlberry. I have Bern really busy with work and the newborn so my tank is a bit on the bummed side but those corals under the ecoxotic LEDs are 200% happier than the rest
I have both the blue and the white with blue supplement strip running on my 34g solana and I love them. I have a 150w mh 14k phoenix as the main light and the ecoxotic panorama strip over a frag rack in the very back. I am getting great color and growth from my sps and the rack is in a spot where there is little flow. That rack is occupied by a Ora red planet, verdes tri color, tyree tri color, pink lemonaid, and a Ora pearlberry. I have Bern really busy with work and the newborn so my tank is a bit on the bummed side but those corals under the ecoxotic LEDs are 200% happier than the rest

I have been running 2 of the panorama strips for about a month over my Biocube 14. It has one of the all blue strips and one of the 4 blue/ 8 daylight bulb strips. I really like them a lot, I have been getting good growth out of my softies and lps in this tank and the coloration has been excellent. I probably couldn't keep sps in this tank, but I have thought about trying a piece of monti out of my main tank, just to see what it does under the LED's. The 2 strips is the only lighting on this tank, as I removed the night lights and the stock pc bulbs. Here are a couple of pictures of the tank and some of the corals from this tank...



