Eeek! Crazy worm in my sand bed! (pics)


Active member
I was checking out my tank after lights off with a mini flash light when I noticed this crazy worm in the sand bed. If any of you have seen the movie Tremors, this worm acted just like it... it comes out of the sand, then this wierd mouth thing comes out and it attacks the sand, grabs a grain or something, then ducks back into the sand. It is clear/white colored. It was about 2" when I first noticed it, but it hid from the light. I tried to take a pic of it, but it is hard with the lights out.

This is the best I can do:





Does anyone know what this is? Is it harmfull in any way?
pics are a little hard to see. I doubt it's harmful, though. Just keep an eye on your livestock and see if anything changes. If not, you've got another critter to clean your sand.
weird, what's so crazy about it?

looks like a little peanut worm or something sticking out. am I missing something?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6924605#post6924605 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by deansreef

I am in swansboro, got any sps to trade/sell?


i dont have the setup for SPS sorry. you can look for the NC/SC thread. im sure you can find some guys in there. were is Swansboro?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6926682#post6926682 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jpslickorocks
looks like crushed coral to me

exactly, I'm not exactly sure what's so crazy about it. I see a little dot, looks like a tiny spaghetti or peanut worm.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6926696#post6926696 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by koden
exactly, I'm not exactly sure what's so crazy about it. I see a little dot, looks like a tiny spaghetti or peanut worm.

thats why you have to read the description :D neither spghetti or peanut worms act like that. Medusa Worms do.
up close and personaly with a Medusa worm

peanut worms generally arent transparent in color, and are greys or brown. they also dont just grab a grain of sand (if they happen to be in the sand) and go back in. they are constaintly feeding.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6927125#post6927125 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by koden
I've never seen Tremors...

you gotta check it out. Kevin Bacon's best performance ever.