Eel Freak's 205g Build

New addition!

Better pic, now that it's open. I fed all mouths but one yesterday with some nice Mysis and it ate with gusto, so I'm taking that for a good sign!




Well! Quite a bit has happened... The tank is still looking great, better each day, with more and more Coralline each time! I redid the rocks a little bit on the left side, too. My mangroves have spontaneously kicked into gear and two have large 1" shoots coming off their tops! :D

Also, I acquired a pair of A. bicinctus clowns from ORA this weekend. I got them with a gorgeous green LTA, but alas, this morning it spontaneously let go of its rocky lair and met up with a VorTech... It looks awful right now, but I'm hoping it might pull through. The oral disc suffered the most damage, but the rest of it is in pretty good shape. Furthermore, I found my Orange-Spotted Diamond goby on the floor the other morning... :( it was too late for him...

I have waiting at the store until I get my QT going (broke an RO hose yesterday and couldn't get it up) a nice size Copperband Butterflyfish as well as a Siganus doliatus! Those will be obtained later this week and I'll post pictures of them in QT.


Clowns and their once gorgeous anemone:

Clowns shortly after I got them:
Update time!

The anemone did not make it :( it clung on for a couple days but I found it yesterday morning a goner.

In better news, I picked up my new arrivals today! The Copperband Butterflyfish was kept in the main reef system at the LFS, so it went straight into the DT... It is looking good and picking at the rocks and everything!

The Siganus doliatus went into QT. It looked a little rough at the LFS, with one eye slightly clouded, but overall, it looks much better now that it has my 30g QT all to itself. It is swimming all around and I even have some Caulerpa from the fuge in there in hopes of enticing it to eat.

And, spontaneously, I purchased the Regal Angel that had been at the LFS for a while. It never acquired any visible diseases and was beginning to show interest in frozen foods, so, as an executive decision, I decided to go straight into the DT with this one. It is already picking at the rocks with gusto and is looking pretty good. I sure hope I do not regret skipping quarantine, but I would like to avoid as much stress as I can with it.

As a side note, I pulled both my Yellow and Scopas tangs out and put them in the sump, as they were harassing the two new arrivals to no end. They will not return to the DT for a week or more, at bare minimum after the rabbitfish is settled in... Pics of it soon!

CBB and Regal

Regal only