Eel Freak's 205g Build

Well... As I'm testing this weekend... It seems that my Vernier pH probe is so sensitive that it even gets interference from my displays lights wich are in the adjacent room! pH climbed to over 8.5 today and stayed in the upper 8.6's... THEN, the instant the lamps kicked off the pH dropped to ~8.0.... So it looks like that's my pH....
I got some macro this weekend (only a tiny amount... The store didn't have much but my order is in for MUCH more!) and I also picked up this guy for the refugium!

Also, my new T5s arrived today! Here's an FTS with them over the tank... The new metal to hang the lights properly hasn't come yet so the lights are on legs...

Thank you!

And yeah, the picture doesn't do it justice. It looks much better in person... I'll have to work on a better shot, but for now it'll suffice since I'll be changing the arrangement of the fixtures soon when my metal arrives...
Thank you! Yeah, it is... I'm beginning by tackling the nutrient issues.

My mangroves are getting their roots!
Looking good! Once the mangroves are established they give the tank a really sweet look. Keep it up :)
Thanks! It's great since the display is in the dining room...

I think they will, signs are excellent so far. I've noticed improved polyp extension on all remaining coral and of course the temperature drop. And! My refugium is coming right along! I'm hoping my macro comes this week, but I may not get so lucky....
Thank you! It's my favorite creature in the system, even though it's not in the main display!

Here it is late last night with a big copepod on it... I thought that was pretty cool. A brief tid-bit, most of my shots of organisms are taken underwater now. I got a waterproof case for my phone and it's been awesome!! This is an example, although I failed to get very good focus in this shot before the copepod left...

Mangroves are growing some more! And the one that I thought wouldn't make it (the one that's all bent and brown) has finally popped its roots...

And, I ghetto-rigged up a pair of fans to help cool the tank... It still hits 83 during the day but that's because I have the T5s just a few inches from the surface. The starter went out in the car, and, sadly, that takes precedence over new metal to hang my lights...

Other side is held up by the tank:
looking good lot of hard work going on swapin tanks, sorry about you tank thats my kind of luck there hope it get better
Thanks, yep, it's been a lot of work to get to this stage!

Thanks for the kind words as well, it does seem to be on the mend... Little by little!
Woohoo! I got my macroalgae! Tons of Caulerpa I don't know the name of... If it goes sexual, I'll hopefully catch it before it goes too far and I can cut off flow to/from the display...

More Chaeto! This lump is about softball-size:

And, while at the LFS, I saw this gorgeous yellow yuma, but I resisted purchasing it...
Decided to finally tinker with the rocks! I started to hate the left side so I fixed that... I added some rock, but not much. It's still largely minimalistic!




And here it can be seen that I have a nutrient problem... All the algae on the bottom. It was on the left too, but it's going away! I think I'm getting the upper-hand in this... And as a note, this shot makes the tank look wayyyyyy worse than it actually is!