eel lovers show your pics

Thats a yellow head (aka: golden head and this place on lombard st in SF calls it a tiger eel), I havnt been on this forum in so long I forgot to post pics so sorry for the link guys, I currently have a 18" SFE, a real fat 17" white mouth and a 12" yellow head.
here are u pics JOHNNYHO :D and the one on my avatar is the true tiger eel :hammer: I had a yellow head to aggressive :rolleye1:


TriniStylez I really like u eel maybe I will buy one too :D I love to see u rock work looks very nice that small spa :hmm6:
this will help u :D

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Here's my guys:

This pic is rather old.. Now the Snowflake is twice the size of the Fire Coral Eel..

On another note, I recently added a yellow-headed spotted eel which had been at my local shop for the last 4 months with a small snowflake and tiny fire coral eel.. I am however hearing yellow-heads are agressive!? Anyone with experience wanna share theirs?
not to hijack thread but what do you guys use for tops on your eel tanks to keep the escape artists in?
not sure about others here but when i had my snowflake i found that for the first few weeks while he was new he was an "escape artist" however once he became more comfortable he didn't try to jump out, i kept my tank uncovered for 9 months after that until i had to sell it due to a big tank move.
I have a canopy now. I would never go topless with an eel. I have actually found mine "reaching" up out of the water and into the canopy once! I have no idea what he was looking for but it was creepy. I would imagine if I had still had the tank topless, he would have been on the ground already. Mine has actually jumped out once while I was doing a water change and he was able to go all the way across my living room floor like a snake. I had to grab him and throw him back. He was fine and acted like nothing had even happened. Crazy Eels!
Do you want pictures of my 'crustacean feeding' Snowflake eel with or without the two Bannerfish in his mouth that he's eaten in the past week?? DOH!!!!

Hey, I'm fairly new... how do I post a picture?
Covering your Eel Tank.

I use eggcrating on my 3 top openings on my 200gallon tank. I then have 2x4's to add weight to the cover and to support my lighting fixtures ~ fire hazzard waiting to happen hey??

I've had my eel for a year and he jumped out of the tank once up the side of the wall and back into the tank luckily (when I had the top off). He also jumped up during a feeding with the tank covered... managed to somehow wedge himself in between glass support bracket and plastic egg-crating... a few wiggles and he was onto my floor. If I don't use egg-crating my tank overheats... I just need to keep it weighed down better.

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