Effectiveness of the PTC's?


Premium Member
Common sense, at least mine anyway, dictates that the PTC's will work best in a more ventilated area.

My question is are they significantly more effective if placed outside of the tanks cabinet stand?

How much more so would you estimate?


The cooler the better (BTW: this is fact for compressor chillers, too)

You can loose about the half (or even more if very warm) of efficency and cooling power!
Thanks for affrieming my thought process. :)
Wow, that was supposed to be "affirming".

I have another question.
In order to save surface area, I am thinking about building a shelving unit to stack the 3 PTC's, one atop another and sit on the side of the tanks stand.

What would the recommended height be between each unit to obtain sufficient ventilation for maximumefficiency?

I think a clearance of 10cm from the fans to the bottom of the shelf above should be enough

flow:why? too much or too less in your opinion?
We made the best results in our tests with these rates.

It can be more if the PTC does not reduce the total flow in your system significantly.
Thank you for the reply.
How much clearance do you suggest from the top of the fans to the bottom of the shelf above it?

As for flow...I want to make sure I do not send to much through them and make the units ineffective.

If I am running 3 PTC 6's should I send more flow or the same as recommended for a single unit?
