Eggs on Glass ID


New member
This morning I noticed an increase in these egg cases on my glass and I'm curious of what they could be. I estimate there are about 30-40 of these on the front glass at 4 inches or closer to the sandbed. It appears the cases are attached on one end to the glass and there are about 30 or so tiny white eggs inside each. Some possibilities I'm considering: limpets, chitons, sandbed worms, and collonista snails. Anybody have any ideas?

Pictures regardless of how small they are will help significantly. Also can you list known inhabitants? Inverts mostly since this is most likely what it is, even though nothing really becomes of these eggs in most cases, that I have seen anyways. But anything is possible!
I'm gonna borrow a nice dslr camera from a friend tonight so I'll see what I can do with pictures. Most of the eggs are gone due to a routine glass cleaning yesterday.

List of resident inverts:

- Stomatella snails (pretty sure its not them)
- Collonista Snails
- small chitons
- Dwarf Cerith Snails
- Florida Cerith Snails (pretty sure its not them)
- Nassarius Snails
- Astrea Snails
- Amphipods
- Spaghetti Worms
- small Medusa Worms
- Bristleworms
- Copepods (too small to be them)

Thats all I can think of off the top of my head. I'll work on the pictures and get back to you guys.
Alright...I got the dslr camera and did my best but I couldn't come close to getting a good macro shot. I don't know if it was lens' or just my inexperience with slr cameras but I failed. I've been looking on various websites for an ID and will let yall know what I come up with.