

Registered: May 2006
Location: lock haven
Occupation: photographer/graphic design
Posts: 68

Mysterious eggs??

This afternoon I noticed these in my tank.
(please excuse the facebook links i dont have a flickr account)

There are three photos

They are of single rose/pinkish egg shaped orbs in a patch of star polyps.
Some of them are single and set down among the polyps, most of them were attached on two long strands. They are about the size of a pencil point.

eventually the current took them and scattered them.

Any ideas?
Didnt look like snail eggs to me but I am not discounting that. I have turbo snails, tiny brittle stars, blue legged hermit crabs,limpets, a single pistol shrimp, Could they be fish eggs? steinmetz goby, two yellow clown gobies( but they fight a lot and stay on opposite sides of the tank, one green mandarin, two lubbocks fairy wrasse-which are both still colored like females-although one is developing a few pink patches of scales- i dont even know if these guys will change sex in the tank.

Corals are a mix, shrooms, zoas, palys, toadstools, green finger leather, brown finger leather,pink xenia, anthelia acans, lobo, 16 or 17 fungia( one of my two colonies buds off alot),mix of sps-monti cap, red digitata, green milli,pocilliopora,birdsnest, some others i dont know names of...also clove polyps and two kinds of star polyps...I have had pocillopora turn up in odd places in tiny patches so i assume it broadcast ...does anyone know if star polyps looks like the eggs rise out of the polyps..

tank is a 75 gallon, with red sea HOB skimmer and a old skilter as a makeshift refugium, 260 watts of pc lights, 2 koralia 2s, 1 koralia 1, i generic powerhead.
Tank has been set up since mid december when I upgraded from my 4 year old 29 gallon.

I run phoszorb in the media bucket on the REd sea skimmer and carbon in the slot on the skilter

Temp 81
Sal 1.025/26
Calc 420
alk 4
amm 0
nitrate 5-10
mag 1300
ph 8.2

water was cloudy yesterday which was odd .I thought maybe one of the anthelia colonies got sucked into one of the koralias, they grow so fast that it happens..I added new carbon to the slot in the skilter-it cleared up
I was not able to view your pictures. Do you have them set so only friends can view them?

I added a frag of blue clove polyps to my tank from the last swap. About two weeks ago it was covered in little white balls and not opening properly. A little research led me to find out that it had spawned and can quickly take over a tank. Needless to say it is on the fast track out of my tank.

As for "star polyps", I have had metallic green star polyps in the past and they never released any eggs. I have never heard of them doing such, but then again I never knew blue clove polyps did either...
first off this link should work ..sorry about that
just cut and paste it..

I know i really need a flickr account..just havent got that far

I also posted this on the main reef discussion board . Apparently from photos someone else posted my star polyps spawned in the tank!!!
how cool is that???

they released a smaller batch of eggs this afternoon..

any ideas what i should do with them?? if i can do anything
definately not snail eggs ..
I sat and watched today. this morning i had no little rose eggs in the polyps
or snails anywhere near it..
around 1pm they started to release from inside one of the clumps of star polyps...looks like they travel out the polyps but I am not 100% on that
Awesome! I never thought that would happen in my tank.

I wasnt really ready for this happening. I am assuming it could happen again maybe around the same time next month. I would like to try and siphon out some eggs and see if they would grow.

Any Ideas would be helpful..someone has suggested putting them in a bowl with tile to see if they attach. Would they even be fertile?

who's memory is good from the last swap? was it red porcelain tile or red plastic that coral larvae were the most attracted to?

one way or another, I wish you luck with raising them, but I would be a little worried about star polyps being able to start growing ANYWHERE in my tank. when I kept them, I made sure the rock they were on was always isolated and away from any thing I didnt want them to take over
You know now that you mention that I think it was red tile.

Right now i have them on a separate rock..but because of the spawning occurrence I am willing to be lenient