El Paso weather


New member
:hmm3:Well Today hell froze over! LOL! The majority of people in El Paso don't know how to react to this type of weather. I woke up this morning and went to school just to find out that school was closed due to weather conditions. I then went to Lowes to get some supplies that I neede for an addition that I am doing @ my mom's house and Lowes was closed. Now I am home and bored off my mind, I started doing tank maitanence and water testing. How many of you are home with nothing to do?

I lost power for a little while. I was just finishing wrapping the tanks with blankets and about to go grab a generator and then the power just popped back on. lol I also worry about the SPS coral but the temperate is at 79 degrees now. But i will be reading my Bible and also Aquarium Corals by Eric Borneman again. lol

Steffen Sparks
Power just came back on here. 21st century and they can't handle the load!
I guess they lost some generators and this may continue for the next few days. Urgent: Rolling Blackouts Felt All Over El Paso And Las Cruces The tank dropped 1.2 degrees while the power was off. Generator on standby!! I hope I don't have to go out there though! :)

I was going to do a water change this weekend so may knock that out today. Stay warm STARS!!!

Talked to my wife this morning and we were without power for an hour and half. Right now all my tanks are in my fish room I built in the garage. Thank God I insulted that room nicely. She says the tanks were at 76.5 so they dropped about 1.5. Stupid return pump never starts up cleanly after a power outage so she had to fiddle with it to get it going. She is not really a "fish" person but was willing to get her hands wet for the team. :) I will be moving back to an external return pump as soon as I have time to set it up. Gonna have to figure out someway to setup a battery backup.
Hey Erik i wa just curious you should check out the TDS read out on the snow there. I could not get a good read out on mine since it is an inline. I think i was getting around 10ppm? Thanks

Steffen Sparks
On a side note I finally got my truck yesterday! Yay! I took it for a test run to home depot a few minutes ago and its running like a champ! I was so bored that I decided to get some tubing for a reactor that I got from Hans and I also got some movies and some wine to keep me entertained. LOL!
Hey Erik i wa just curious you should check out the TDS read out on the snow there. I could not get a good read out on mine since it is an inline. I think i was getting around 10ppm? Thanks

Steffen Sparks

Hey Steffen, I cant belive I listened to you, TDS came out to 21ppm
Hahaha now if we can gather it all up and run it through some DI we are in business!!!! lol

Steffen Sparks
Ive been sitting in front of my tank for too long, I'm getting crazy ideas like gettting rid of some coral. I think I'm going crazy at home
Erik--You gettin cabin fever?! :lol: Man i had to take a quiz that is due today and just took it. Man, I was on pin and needles every time the power went out. Hope that reactor works for you bro. It worked great for me.

I had to run to the store this morning and hands down, Las Cruces residents do NOT KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!!!!!!!!. They take the proverbial CAKE OF NOT KNOWING HOW TO DRIVE! I had this @SSHOLE pass me on Del Rey, must have been doing 45. He hit ice and hit the shoulder/sidewalk hard. Had another @SSHOLE pass me and he slid too. What the F!CK is the hurry when there is a TON of ICE on the road? Glad no innocent people got hurt by these DUMB@SSES!!!

Now, does anyone still not believe in global warming?! If this isn't a "sign", then I don't know what is.
Ok gals and guys, here is an old plumbers trick. In order to keep your water pipes from icing over and bursting, turn on the cold side of the faucet to a trickle. Preferably, the one closest to your water main. I hate wasting water, but this is a necessary evil. Which would you rather have, a running faucet to prevent it to be iced over, or a house full of water from pipes bursting that iced over?

What ice loves is water that is not moving. Thus, the water in you water pipes are at a stand still, freeze, create pressure, and burst. Have you really ever seen a river completely frozen? Just some food for thought since the next 2 nights are gonna be cold as all hell.
I went to work as usual yesterday morning, but left when we had the first power outage at home. I left early to make sure "everyone" was ok. (everyone in my tank that is). I can't believe I actually left work early to make sure that my tank was ok. LOL!

We had 4 power outages yesterday. None lasting more than 30 min. Furnace at home had been on so the tank didn't drop more than 1 degree. Nothing seems affected at all.

I had to run to the store this morning and hands down, Las Cruces residents do NOT KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!!!!!!!!. They take the proverbial CAKE OF NOT KNOWING HOW TO DRIVE! I had this @SSHOLE pass me on Del Rey, must have been doing 45. He hit ice and hit the shoulder/sidewalk hard. Had another @SSHOLE pass me and he slid too. What the F!CK is the hurry when there is a TON of ICE on the road? Glad no innocent people got hurt by these DUMB@SSES!!!

Glad no one got hurt, but I think El Paso takes part of that cake as well. lol
well i spent yesterday redoing my aqua scape. was in the tear down part and lost power. no big deal i have a gen so i got it and was in business.

got pictures but don't have the transfer cable with me....will update later. i went extremely minimalist...wel at least for me! my tanks have always been overrun with rock. i just hope i didn't over do it. thanks a lot eric! im blaming you.

Ivan. i have about 40 lbs of rock in a tub. it is circulating with at heater but i dont want to store it forever so whenever you need it let me know.

i also have some frags for trade. I have
2 idaho grapes
4-5 branching hammers.
green hawaiians..whatever i got from Hans brown with green centers...grow crazy fast.
small scroll coral
candy cane
devils hand....doesn't want to grow in my tank...so hopefully it will find a home it likes
almost dead orange digitata....someone might save it but doubtfull.

and a huge rock the size of my hand with about 20 or so green fuzzy mushrooms.

i have gotten all of these from other people except for the hammer and fuzzy mushrooms. so this is kind of like a don't break the chain deal.

so if you have anything let me know. and if you don't and still want something let me know. i have been know to accept IOU's.
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I am still lookin to trade you some zoas for an Idaho Grape frag. If you have the space hold onto one for me till we can hook up.


Hey are you just looking to trade or also sell??

By the way how do you put a picture up on your profile (for example Hans has the shark) thanks guys I'm still learning
well the only ones i will sell will be the branching hammer and fuzzy mushrooms. the others i got free also so that wouldn't be cool. i will trade for almost anything... it doesn't have to be fancy