electronic water level sensor on my Osmolator has failed


New member
The water level sensor on my Osmolator has failed. Seem to test ok when I re-start the Osmolator, the pump runs for a few sec., the float switch also works. However, when the water level is low, the electronic water level sensor does not always sense it at level. I've cleaned it and it still doesn't work.
Can I get it repair? I got it a 3 years back but since lost the receipt.

Thanks god for the backup float!
When an optic sensor fails you will get a perpetual green light so the pump will never run except for the first 10 seconds during start up. Is that what is happening or is it something else? You mention "Than god for the backup float" so I am puzzled as a dead optic sensor will result in no fill up at all. If it is the optic sensor, that is a very simple repair.
The optic sensor does not seem to know when the water is at the correct level.
It does not turn off the pump.
If it wasn't for the backup float switch stopping the pump it would have over flowed my tank.
This would not likely be the sensor, the sensors are designed to fail in the off position, it is more likely another component on the board. Please send it in and include a note with your return address and phone number and either a print of these posts or a brief description.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753