Elegance Coral seperating from the skeleton


New member
Hey all, About 3 weeks ago I bought a elegant coral from the LFS. It had fallen from up on the rock(shouldnt have been there anyway) but it looked good so I bought it for a great price. After 24 hrs it was spread out in the sand and looking terrific. Well in the last few days it seems to be seperating from the right side of the skeleton and looks to be swelled up or bloated a bit?? Any suggestions. All Water parameters are in check ofcourse.
This is one of the hradest corals to keep in the hobby and has a 99% death rate. You probably didn't do anything wrong and no one seems to know why these corals don't do well in our tanks.
I'm very familiar with their history, I was up for the challnge. I have actually read that this seperating is not uncommon or lethal. Just curious if anyone knows how to help it along?
there is no challenge here, just a coral that these days for some unknown reason has unnacceptable mortality rates. I would suggest feeding it some mysis.
I tried to keep 1 a couple of months ago against the advice of everyone on here. They were right. It looked good for a week or so. It puffed up so I thought that it was growing and happy. Then it went downhill fast. Feeding, placement, nothing helped. I will not try another one.
there is a very long posting about this its called the elegance prodject or something like that. verry good reading do a search. fyi on mine i have never seen that on mine his placment is about 3 inch off sand bed and he has the room to expand to the size of a vollyball. and thats no fish story. 5 hrs of 250 se mhbulb about 30 inch below the bulb. do a search though is a good read